Reputation: 428
I'm not sure the question title is pretty clear, so I'll explain it better.
I have a spreadsheet I'm working on which is basically a template just for checking financial data. Even with full info copied from the original Excel file, the script only gets 4 cells to work with, which are the highlighted ones.
The first one (C3
) is the client's name. The second one (C9
) is how many days after the delivery date the payments are due, and if it's 2 or more payments, it is split with a /
. Then, we have the delivery date on F11
, and the total value on H25
Everything I needed to do was quite easy to do, even integrating with Google Calendar to register different payments depending on the client. What I have here is the =split()
of C9
in A26:26
, the sum of the split cells with the delivery date right below, and the division of the total amount by the count of payments.
Then I used =transpose()
to create a new matrix to properly send this data to my Google Calendar.
That said, it's kind of obvious I'm working mostly with formulas and references. What I can't seem to do now is to get the divided payment values and order them in a second sheet according to the payday. I don't need the client's name or anything, just sort the payment's values of different clients into columns (or rows, whatever is easier to accomplish), so I can have the total for that day.
So I need to somehow scan trough the dates and then down the rows to add them - pretty much like I already did with the Calendar - but to sum up the total value for that day, which can change in the event of a new order, so I guess using the second row for the sum and starting from row 3 would be the best case. (Also, notice that not all values are present here, since I have every day, one by one, in the sheet, so for this example the 5th of June is there, only not in the screencap).
Assume that I have the case above, with those four payments. If I have a new order, it would then look like this on the template:
And on the other sheet, it would keep the old data from the first example and include the new data, summing up the payments' values, like so:
This way, the new data could be entered below the previous one, or above by creating a new row. Doesn't realy matter which.
It could be done in a static way, so to speak, never removing days already gone, on dynamically, always updating the first day acording to =today()
or a new Date()
, which I guess is way more complicated to do.
I forgot to mention that for every order, there is a new spreadsheet, which I'll just copy into this template. The new sheet with the expected results is just this one for every entry, so I'll need a special paste for values only as well.
Here is the full copy of the Spreadsheet with the script, except the Calendar ID.
function onOpen(){ //creates custom menu tabs
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
ui.createMenu('Tratar Planilha')
.addItem('Datas e Parcelas', 'main')
.addItem('Adicionar à Agenda', 'criaEvento') //there's probably no need to use this
function main(){
function separaData() { //splits C9 ifnecessary, and prints the rest accordingly
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setFormula('=IF(C9="à vista";"0";SPLIT(C9;"/"))');
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange("27:27"), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
function contaParcela(){ //counts number of payments and their values
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange("28:28"), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setFormula('=TEXTJOIN(""; TRUE; COUNTA(26:26); " parcelas de "; A28)');
function transpoeTabela(){ //transposes the matrix
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange("29:29"), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange('D33:D'), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
function criaEvento(){ //sends transposed info to Calendar with description.
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var calendarID = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('<MY_ID>');
var valTotal = spreadsheet.getRange('H25').getValue();
var valParcela = spreadsheet.getRange('A30').getValue();
var registros = spreadsheet.getRange('A32:D52').getValues();
for (x=0; x <= registros.length; x++){
var shift = registros[x];
var data = shift[0];
var empresa = shift[2];
var nParcela = shift[3];
var descricao = 'Total: R$' + valTotal + '\nValor da parcela: R$' + valParcela + '\nNº da parcela: ' + nParcela;
if (data != ""){
function formatTexto() { //just sets cell formatting
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().setValue('DADOS ENVIADOS AO CALENDARIO');
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Views: 179
Reputation: 5963
function addSumFormula() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Summary');
spreadsheet.getActiveRange().autoFill(spreadsheet.getRange("2:2"), SpreadsheetApp.AutoFillSeries.DEFAULT_SERIES);
function submitData(){
var sourceS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var destinationS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Summary');
var amount = sourceS.getRange('A28').getValue();
var dates = sourceS.getRange('A32:A').getDisplayValues().flat().filter(String);
var searchRange = destinationS.getRange('1:1');
dates.forEach(date => {
var textFinder = searchRange.createTextFinder(date);
var match = textFinder.findNext();
matchCol = match.getColumn();
//get row 3 cell of the matched column date and create a range string
var a1Notation = match.offset(2,0).getA1Notation();
var rangeStr = a1Notation+":"+a1Notation.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
//Get the count of data available under the matched column
var colDataCnt = destinationS.getRange(rangeStr).getDisplayValues().flat().filter(String).length;
//Write data on the next blank range starting from row 3
Upvotes: 1