Reputation: 13
I can connect the BLE device with my XBee 3 device, but after connecting while trying to receive data through gattc_read_characteristic() method, it is receiving as empty bytes. But i can receive the data in my android mobile app. Please give me some solution !
Here is mycode.
import binascii
from digi import ble
def get_characteristics_from_uuids(connection, service_uuid, characteristic_uuid):
services = list(connection.gattc_services(service_uuid))
if len(services):
my_service = services[0]
characteristics = list(connection.gattc_characteristics(my_service, characteristic_uuid))
return characteristics
return []
BLE_MAC_ADDRESS = "00:A0:50:F4:D8:8B"
address_type = ble.ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC
address = binascii.unhexlify(BLE_MAC_ADDRESS.replace(':', ''))
environment_service_uuid = '49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455'
oxi_characteristic_uuid = '49535343-1e4d-4bd9-ba61-23c647249616'
oxi_descriptor_uuid = 0x2902
print("Attempting connection to: {}".format(BLE_MAC_ADDRESS))
with ble.gap_connect(address_type, address) as conn:
oxy_characteristic = get_characteristics_from_uuids(conn, environment_service_uuid, oxi_characteristic_uuid)[0]
descriptors = list(conn.gattc_descriptors(oxy_characteristic))
oxy_descriptor = descriptors[0]
conn.gattc_write_descriptor(oxy_descriptor, b'11')
if oxy_characteristic is None:
print("Did not find the OXI characteristic")
while True:
oxi_data = conn.gattc_read_characteristic(oxy_characteristic)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 500
Reputation: 46
If I'm understanding everything right, you're trying to read from a characteristic which only supports notify. (According to this Microchip forum post, that characteristic only has notify.)
You want to call gattc_configure
to enable notifications and set up a callback on that characteristic. Here are the typehints for gattc_configure, and here's an example using it (with a Thunderboard device, but it's a starting point).
Upvotes: 3