Reputation: 78
The following is the code, the spinning mesh are not casting any shadows on the shadow material. The planeBufferGeometry seems to be there. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import React from 'react';
import './App.scss';
import {Canvas, useFrame} from 'react-three-fiber';
const SpinningMesh = ({position, args, color}) => {
const mesh = React.useRef(null);
useFrame(()=> (mesh.current.rotation.x = mesh.current.rotation.y += 0.01))
<mesh castShadow ref={mesh} position={position}>
<boxBufferGeometry attach='geometry' args={args}/>
<meshStandardMaterial attach='material' color={color}/>
function App() {
return (
<Canvas shadowMap colorManagement camera={{position:[-5,2,10], fov:60}}>
<ambientLight intensity={0.3}/>
shadow-camera-left = {-10}
shadow-camera-right = {10}
shadow-camera-top = {10}
shadow-camera-bottom = {-10}
<pointLight position={[-10,0,-20]} intensity={.5}/>
<pointLight position={[0,-10,0]} intensity={1.5}/>
<mesh receiveShadow rotation={[-Math.PI / 2 , 0 , 0]} position={[0,-3,0]}>
<planeBufferGeometry attach='geometry' args={[100,100]}/>
<shadowMaterial attach='material' opacity={0.3} color="blue"/>
<SpinningMesh position={[0,1,0]} args={[3,2,1]} color='lightblue'/>
<SpinningMesh position={[-2,1,-5]} color='pink'/>
<SpinningMesh position={[5,1,-2]} color='pink'/>
export default App;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6912
Reputation: 11
In addition to Shivam and hpalu' answers, you can fix this error for with the combination of changing following:
<Canvas **shadows** colorManagement camera={{position:[-5,2,10], fov:60}}>
Use @react-three/fiber, instead of react-three-fiber
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 96
<Canvas shadows colorManagement camera={{position:[-5,2,10], fov:60}}>
Use shadows attribute rather than using shadowMap in Canvas
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 28507
Don't forget you have to also set castShadow
to true if you want your spinning meshes to do any shadow casting:
<SpinningMesh castShadow position={[0,1,0]} args={[3,2,1]} color='lightblue'/>
See here for a quick example in the docs
Upvotes: 1