Reputation: 51
Hi i would like to ask i get an error when i run this code , can i know how to fix it, i want to know the doctor for this patient when i enter the patient id, thank you. below is my code
patientid(3) := &pt_id;
dname doc_name%type;
SELECT doc_name
INTO dname
FROM doctor
JOIN patient
ON doctor.doc_id = patient.doc_id
WHERE pt_id = patientid;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('He/She is the patient of Dr.' || dname);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 345
Reputation: 143023
What is patient(3)
supposed to be? Datatype is missing!
Though, consider something like this:
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
2 -- No : patientid(3):=&pt_id;
3 -- Better : patientid varchar2(3) := &pt_id; -- is it VARCHAR2? or NUMBER? Who knows ...
4 -- Even better:
5 l_pt_id patient.pt_id%type := &par_pt_id;
6 l_dname doctor.doc_name%type;
7 begin
8 select d.doc_name
9 into l_dname
10 from doctor d join patient p on d.doc_id = p.doc_id
11 where p.pt_id = l_pt_id;
13 dbms_output.put_line ('He/She is the patient of Dr. '|| l_dname);
14 end;
15 /
Enter value for par_pt_id: 100
He/She is the patient of Dr. Luffy
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Upvotes: 2