Reputation: 41
I have an unbound form with 3 subforms. Each of the subforms have the same recordsource but are filtered on a field called CrntPhaseNmbr, that carries a simple numerical value of 1, 2, or 3 to show 3 different sets of data from the same query. I use VBA to actually update that field because the query used is a non-updateable query. I have a command button on subforms 1 and 2 that when clicked increases the value by 1 for a selected record, promoting it to the next group. On subforms 2 and 3 a command button reduces the value by 1 demoting the selected record to the previous group.
I have tried setting the recordsource for all 3 subforms to the query and then set the form filter to the particular value needed for each form. I have also tried not using the the filter and setting the recordsource to a SQL string with a where statement to filter the recordset. Either way makes no difference in the result.
The problem is that the CrntPhaseNmbr value gets updated without a problem but the subforms do not display the updated recordsets.
ResidentPhaseMove is stored in a module and for all 3 forms works without problem.
Here is the code for subform 2 which has both demote and promote command buttons (The code is identical for subforms 1 and 3 except they only have 1 button each, promote and demote, respectively):
Private Sub cmdDemote_Click()
Dim intNewPhase As Integer
Dim lngResidentID As Long
Dim rstList As Object
Dim strRcrdSrc As String
Dim strRcrdSrc2 As String
lngResidentID = txtResidentID
intNewPhase = txtCrntPhaseNmbr - 1
Application.Echo False
strRcrdSrc = Me.RecordSource
Me.RecordSource = ""
strRcrdSrc2 = Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase1.Form.RecordSource
Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase1.Form.RecordSource = ""
Call ResidentPhaseMove(lngResidentID, intNewPhase)
Call Me.Parent.ChkUpdateStatus
Me.RecordSource = strRcrdSrc
Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase1.Form.RecordSource = strRcrdSrc2
Application.Echo True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPromote_Click()
Dim intNewPhase As Integer
Dim lngResidentID As Long
Dim rstList As Object
Dim strRcrdSrc As String
Dim strRcrdSrc2 As String
lngResidentID = txtResidentID
intNewPhase = txtCrntPhaseNmbr + 1
Call ResidentPhaseMove(lngResidentID, intNewPhase)
Application.Echo False
strRcrdSrc = Me.RecordSource
Me.RecordSource = ""
strRcrdSrc2 = Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase3.Form.RecordSource
Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase3.Form.RecordSource = ""
Call ResidentPhaseMove(lngResidentID, intNewPhase)
Call Me.Parent.ChkUpdateStatus
Me.RecordSource = strRcrdSrc
Forms!frmHouseAssignedPhases!ResidentsPhase3.Form.RecordSource = strRcrdSrc2
Application.Echo True
End Sub
Sub ChkUpdateStatus()
Dim varState
varState = SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acStoredProcedure, "ResidentPhaseMove")
If varState = 0 Then
WaitSeconds 2
GoTo ChkAgain
End If
End Sub
Sub ResidentPhaseMove(lngResidentID As Long, intPhase As Integer)
Dim sqlMove As String
Dim cnnMain As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdMove As ADODB.Command
Dim rstMove As ADODB.Recordset
Set cnnMain = New ADODB.Connection
cnnMain.ConnectionString = cnstCnctMain
sqlMove = "UPDATE Residents SET Residents.CrntPhaseNmbr = " & intPhase _
& " WHERE (((Residents.ResidentID)=" & lngResidentID & "));"
Set cmdMove = New ADODB.Command
cmdMove.ActiveConnection = cnnMain
cmdMove.CommandText = sqlMove
Set cmdMove = Nothing
Set cnnMain = Nothing
End Sub
I'm sure the problem is that the subforms are displaying before the change is made, but I haven't figured out how to get the subforms to requery after the change is made.
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
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Views: 221
Reputation: 41
I haven't found any way to cause the data to be displayed after updates while the RecordSource is a non-updatable query where the actual edits were done with VBA not directly on the form. As a result, I have created a code routine to create a temp table composed of the fields in the non-updatable query. I'm using that as the RecordSource for the subforms.
With this RecordSource the answer that was given by Gustav works fine. One small adjustment. With each subform the requery should include itself. i.e., for the code in subform 1 the following requery statements should appear:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 56026
I have the feeling, that you skip most of this if you simply updated the RecordsetClone of the subform like this:
Private Sub cmdDemote_Click()
Dim intNewPhase As Integer
Dim lngResidentID As Long
lngResidentID = Me!txtResidentID.Value
intNewPhase = Me!txtCrntPhaseNmbr.Value - 1
ResidentPhaseMove lngResidentID, intNewPhase
End Sub
' Vice-versa for promoting.
Private Sub ResidentPhaseMove(ByVal lngResidentID As Long, ByVal intPhase As Integer)
Dim Records As DAO.Recordset
Dim Criteria As String
Set Records = Me.RecordsetClone
Criteria = "ResidentID = " & lngResidentID & ""
Records.FindFirst Criteria
Records!CrntPhaseNmbr.Value = intPhase
' Exclude the current subform.
End Sub
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