Reputation: 1
I have code that allows the users to enter the data (name, address, company name, city, state )which works perfectly, and when users hit submit, it populates it to the word document.
Next, if possible, I am trying to also have a save as pop up appear as soon as submit is clicked but do not know what to do next. I've tried multiple examples, but all of them give me a compile error expected end sub I need help!!
Here is my working code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim firstnamelastname As Range
Set firstnamelastname = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("firstnamelastname").Range
firstnamelastname.Text = Me.TextBox1.Value
Dim Companyname As Range
Set Companyname = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Companyname").Range
Companyname.Text = Me.TextBox2
Dim Address As Range
Set Address = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("address").Range
Address.Text = Me.TextBox3
Dim citystatezip As Range
Set citystatezip = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Citystatezip").Range
citystatezip.Text = Me.TextBox4
but when I add anything for saving, it doesn't work.
I am also okay with removing the userform1.hide code and adding another button for save; then userform.hide
so that they can continue to write the document.
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Views: 644
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There is no need to use Windows API.
The Application.Dialogs property returns a Dialogs collection that represents all the built-in dialog boxes in Word. To get an object from the collection you need to pass an instance of the WdWordDialog enumeration. For example, the following code shows the SaveAs dialog with predefined values:
dim strFullPath as string
dim strRootPath as string
dim strFileName as string
strRootPath = "C:\Users\Eugene\Documents\"
strFileName = "FileName.docx"
strFullPath = strRootPath & strFileName
With appWrd.Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
.Name = strFullPath
.Format = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument
End With
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Reputation: 170
The following code shows a Save As dialog with the preset filter. If it is not canceled it returns the full path to which the file is saved.
This code works with 32-bit Office. For 64-bit Office, the declarations must be changed.
Place the following declarations before any Subs or Functions:
'Declarations for GetSaveAsFile
Private Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (ByRef pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Const OFN_EXPLORER As Long = &H80000
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
This function shows the dialog and returns the full path:
Public Function GetSaveAsFile(Optional ByVal HWnd As Long = 0, Optional ByVal strPath As String, _
Optional ByVal arrFilters As Variant, Optional ByRef lngFilterIndex As Long = -1, Optional ByVal strTitle As String = "") As String
'00-01s Prompts for a file name using a SaveAs dialog
'Returns full path; returns "" if canceled
'Saves to default location if no path specified
'"All Files" if no filters specified; no filter if arrFilters = ""
'lngFilterIndex: 0-based index for selected filter (in and out); -1 if canceled
'strTitle = "": "Save as" localized
On Error GoTo ErrHand
Const lngMAX_FILE As Long = 500 'buffer size
Dim strFile As String 'file name
Dim strFilters As String 'filters string
Dim i As Long
strFile = Mid$(strPath, InStrRev(strPath, "\") + 1) 'crop preset file name/pattern from path
If IsMissing(arrFilters) Or IsEmpty(arrFilters) Then 'default: All files (*.*)
strFilters = "All files (*.*)" & vbNullChar & "*.*" & vbNullChar & vbNullChar
ElseIf VarType(arrFilters) = vbString Then 'no filter
Else 'compose filter string
For i = 0 To UBound(arrFilters, 1)
strFilters = strFilters & arrFilters(i, 0) & " (*." & arrFilters(i, 1) & ")" & vbNullChar & "*." & arrFilters(i, 1) & vbNullChar
Next i
End If
strFilters = strFilters & vbNullChar 'append second vbNullChar
'prepare structure
With typOFName
.lStructSize = Len(typOFName)
.hwndOwner = HWnd 'parent window
.lpstrFilter = strFilters 'file filters
.nFilterIndex = lngFilterIndex + 1 'preset filter index
.lpstrFile = strFile & Space$(lngMAX_FILE - Len(strFile) - 2) 'create buffer and preset file name
.nMaxFile = lngMAX_FILE 'maximum length of a returned file
.lpstrInitialDir = strPath 'initial path
.lpstrTitle = strTitle 'dialog title
.flags = OFN_EXPLORER 'show explorer style dialog
.lpstrDefExt = "" 'enables default extension according to selected filter
If GetSaveFileName(typOFName) Then 'call dialog
GetSaveAsFile = Left$(.lpstrFile, InStr(1, .lpstrFile, vbNullChar) - 1) 'cut before NullChar
lngFilterIndex = .nFilterIndex - 1 'read filter index
lngFilterIndex = -1
End If
End With
Exit Function
ErrHand: 'your error handler
End Function
Explanations to the parameters:
: window handle of the window calling this function, e.g. your Word window; ActiveWindow.HWnd
. Or you can pass 0
: Opens the Save As dialog with this path
: 0-based 2-dimensioned array with one or several filter names and file extensions; or "" for All files .
: 0 or higher if you pass an array with more than one filter definitions.
: Your own title if you like a special one
You call the function to save a document as docx like this:
'Example to call the function:
Sub SaveDoc()
Dim arrFilters As Variant '0-based 2-dim. array with filter types and extensions
Dim strFullPath As String 'resulting full path from dialog
Dim lngFormat As Word.WdSaveFormat 'format to save document
ReDim arrFilters(0 To 0, 0 To 1) 'prepare array for 1 filter
arrFilters(0, 0) = "Word Document" 'filter file type
arrFilters(0, 1) = "docx" 'filter extension
lngFormat = wdFormatXMLDocument 'docx format (change if you prefer another format)
strFullPath = GetSaveAsFile(HWnd:=ActiveWindow.HWnd, strPath:=ActiveDocument.Path & "\", _
arrFilters:=arrFilters, lngFilterIndex:=0, strTitle:="")
If Len(strFullPath) > 0 Then 'skip if dialog canceled
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 strFullPath, lngFormat 'save active document (see reference of SaveAs2 for more parameters)
End If
End Sub
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