Reputation: 144
I am trying to create an audit log for an access database, but now the code seems to break down here with Error 3001:
Set rst = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tbl_AuditLog", adOpenDynamic)
Here's the full module code:
Option Compare Database
Public Function AuditLog(RecordID As String, UserAction As String)
On Error GoTo AuditErr
Dim DB As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim UserLogin As String
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set rst = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * from tbl_AuditLog", adOpenDynamic)
UserLogin = Environ("Username")
Select Case UserAction
Case "New"
With rst
![EditDate] = Now()
![User] = UserLogin
!FormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
!Action = UserAction
!RecordID = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(RecordID)
End With
Case "Delete"
With rst
![EditDate] = Now()
![User] = UserLogin
!FormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
!Action = UserAction
!RecordID = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(RecordID)
End With
Case "Edit"
For Each ctl In Screen.ActiveForm.Controls
If (ctl.controltpe = acTextBox _
Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox) Then
If Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) Then
With rst
![EditDate] = Now()
![User] = UserLogin
!FormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
!Action = UserAction
!RecordID = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(RecordID)
!FieldName = ctl.ControlSource
!OldValue = ctl.OldValue
!NewValue = ctl.Value
End With
End If
End If
Next ctl
End Select
Set rst = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & " Unable to create audit log " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
I have stepped into the function and found the line I highlighted as being the problem.
The information comes from a form, and is in the beforeupdate via this code:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.NewRecord Then
Call AuditLog("Employee ID", "New")
Call AuditLog("Employee ID", "Edit")
End If
End Sub
Now, I am completely new to VBA, so if anyone can tell me what I borked up, or link me to a guide, I would be very grateful.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 232
Reputation: 1845
adOpenDynamic is not a valid argument for the DAO OpenRecordset method.
Upvotes: 2