Reputation: 87
I am trying to automate a powerbi report using AD data. I was doing a test on this code and it will give me a good output that I need for a couple of groups. But I was trying to run this with 250K list of groups and I am getting this error. I tried couple of times and it takes a lot of time and it was not giving me any output.
Error Exception calling "GetSteppablePipeline" with "1" argument(s): "The parameter is incorrect. "
Note: All attributes are generic and no custom attributes
$groupUsersList = Get-Content $Path
$tableStorage = @()
$groupUsersList | ForEach-Object {
$GroupProperties = get-adgroup $_ -prop *
$table = new-object psobject
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Name -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.Name
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName GroupCategory -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.GroupCategory
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Owner -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.extensionAttribute12.Split("=")[1].split(",").split("|")[0]
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName OwnerinfoID -NotePropertyValue $"=")[1].split(",").split("|")[0]}
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName InCloud -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.InCloud
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Created -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.Created
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Owner2 -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.BusinessOwner.Split("=")[1].Split(",")[0]
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Description -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.Description
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Owner3 -NotePropertyValue $
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName atttrib12 -NotePropertyValue $GroupProperties.extensionAttribute12
$tableStorage += $table
$tableStorage | Export-Csv -Path $output'.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Force
output: Exception calling "GetSteppablePipeline" with "1" argument(s): "The parameter is incorrect. "
Upvotes: 0
Views: 331
Reputation: 61293
Try this code instead, it should be faster than what you're doing. In addition, it should help you understand the errors you're getting.
As you said, you were getting the You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression
exception. One possible way you're getting this exception is for example, let's assume that the value for $
is this:
$string = 'This is the group information without the equal sign'
Now if we try to split the string
as you're doing:
You would get that exact same error:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:1 char:1
+ $string.Split("=")[1].split(",").split("|")[0]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$groupUsersList = Get-Content $Path
$destinationPath = "$HOME\Documents\output.csv"
$tableStorage = [system.collections.generic.list[pscustomobject]]::new()
foreach($group in $groupUsersList)
$hash = @{
Identity = $group
Properties = @(
$adGroup = Get-ADGroup @hash
Write-Warning $_
$businessOwner = $adGroup.BusinessOwner.Split("=")[1].Split(",")[0]
'Can't split this: {0}' -f $adGroup.BusinessOwner
$businessOwner = $adGroup.BusinessOwner
$info = $"=")[1].split(",").split("|")[0]
'Can't split this: {0}' -f $
$info = $
$owner = $adGroup.extensionAttribute12.Split("=")[1].split(",").split("|")[0]
'Can't split this: {0}' -f $adGroup.extensionAttribute12
$owner = $adGroup.extensionAttribute12
Name = $adGroup.Name
GroupCategory = $adGroup.GroupCategory
Owner = $owner
OwnerinfoID = $info
InCloud = $adGroup.InCloud
Created = $adGroup.Created
Owner2 = $businessOwner
Description = $adGroup.Description
Owner3 = $
atttrib12 = $adGroup.extensionAttribute12
$tableStorage | Export-Csv -Path $destinationPath -NoTypeInformation -Force
"CSV Exported successfully to $destinationPath"
Adding items to System.Array
is a lot slower than adding items to a collections.generic.list
Creating objects with new psobject
+ Add-Member
is a lot slower than casting objects with pscustomobject
Calling ALL properties on Get-ADGroup
-Properties *
is a lot slower than calling only the properties you need -Properties prop1,prop2,prop3
Upvotes: 3