Reputation: 192
I have the following problem, and I don't really know where to begin. I have a folder called "ALL" and inside that folder there are sub-folders with titles equal to the date they were created in the format DD-MM-YYYY. There is a folder for every day, ie no missing days. Inside each of those folders there are numerous txt files. I would like to read one of these text files from each of the date folders. That file will have a naming convention of "thedata_" followed by a random series of numbers.
So for example, if there are 3 date folders in the ALL folder, then I would like to read 3 separate "thedata_" text files into 1 final SAS file. And subsequently each day a new folder is added, I want to append the "thedata_" file from that folder to the existing SAS file rather than rerun the script from scratch.
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Views: 1253
Reputation: 12909
Here's one solution. This uses SAS functions to read and populate a dataset that reads every file in every folder so that you do not need to turn on x commands. You can save each one to a macro variable, then loop through and read each file however you'd like. You can modify this to work with the filevar
filename all "Directory/ALL";
data myfiles;
length folder_name
folder_path $5000.
/* Folder delimiter */
if("&sysscp." = "WIN") then SLASH = '\';
else SLASH = '/';
/* Open the ALL directory */
did = dopen("all");
/* If it was successful, continue */
if(did) then do;
/* Iterate through all subfolders in ALL */
do i = 1 to dnum(did);
/* Get the subfolder name and full path */
folder_name = dread(did, i);
folder_path = cats(pathname('all'), SLASH, folder_name);
/* Assign a filename statement to the subfolder */
rc = filename('sub', folder_path);
/* Give the sub-folder a a directory ID */
did2 = dopen('sub');
/* Open the subfolder and read all the .txt files within it */
if(did2) then do;
do j = 1 to dnum(did2);
file_name = dread(did2, j);
file_ext = scan(file_name, -1, '.');
file = cats(folder_path, SLASH, file_name);
/* Save file name only if the expected value is found */
if(upcase(file_name) =: "THEDATA_" AND upcase(file_ext) = "TXT") then do;
call symputx(cats('file', nfiles), file); /* Save each file to a macro variable named file1, file2, etc. */
/* Close the subfolder and move on to the next one */
rc = dclose(did2);
rc = dclose(did);
/* Save the total number of files we found to a macro variable */
call symputx('nFiles', nFiles);
keep file file_name folder_name folder_path;
/* Read all the files */
%macro readFiles;
%do i = 1 %to &nFiles.;
proc import
file = "&&file&i."
out = _thedata_&i.
dbms = csv
/* Put all the files together */
data thedata;
set _thedata_:;
proc datasets lib=work nolist;
delete _thedata_:;
Upvotes: 1