Reputation: 872
Good morning!
I am using an EntityDataSource and would like to filter it with a WhereParameter that is a property of a object stored in a session variable, Session("Ticket"). Is this possible?
Here's the class I use for a Ticket object that gets stored into a session variable
Partial Public Class TICKET
Private _ID As Integer '-- I want to use the property "ID" as the parameter
Private _Category As String
Private _Status As String
Private _Priority As String
End Class
and here is some markup, but not sure how to get the property "ID" in as the parameter
<asp:EntityDataSource ID="edsDBase" runat="server" AutoGenerateWhereClause="True"
DefaultContainerName="edsDBContainer" EnableFlattening="False"
EntitySetName="edsTicket" EnableDelete="True" EnableInsert="True"
EnableUpdate="True" EntityTypeFilter="tbICObjectBase">
<asp:SessionParameter SessionField="Ticket.ID (this is what I'd like to do)" Name="TicketID" Type="Int32" />
I also tried doing it programmatically through the OnSelecting event of the EntityDataSource but got confused on that, too.
Protected Sub edsTickets_OnSelecting(sender As Object, e As EntityDataSourceSelectingEventArgs)
Dim eds As EntityDataSource = CType(sender, EntityDataSource)
Dim ticket As V_TICKETS = Session("Ticket")
Dim xparam As New Parameter("ID", DbType.Int32)
xparam.DefaultValue = ticket.ID
End Sub
But this threw an exception saying I cannot cast an EntityDataSourceView to an EntityDataSource. Anyone able to help me straighten this out? Thank you!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 81
Reputation: 872
My problem was solved by handling the OnSelecting event from the EntityDataSource.
Protected Sub edsTickets_OnSelecting(sender As Object, e As EntityDataSourceSelectingEventArgs)
Dim eds As EntityDataSource = e.DataSource 'As suggested by G3nt_M3caj on Jun 1 at 16:29. Thanks again!
Dim ticket As V_TICKETS = Session("Ticket")
Dim xparam As New Parameter("ID", DbType.Int32)
xparam.DefaultValue = ticket.ID
End Sub
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