Reputation: 13
I would like to list the files and subfolders to an Excel sheet with vba macro. The listing is working, but the last file of last folder moves to first place of actual folder in the list.
And here is the code:
If selectedFolder.Files.Count = 0 Then
For Each origSubFolder In selectedFolder.SubFolders
'Create backup subfolder
copiedSubFolder = copiedFilesDir & "\" & origSubFolder.Name & affix
fso.CreateFolder copiedSubFolder
'Recording folders to Excel file
rfSht.Range("C" & r).Value = origSubFolder
rfSht.Range("M" & r).Value = copiedSubFolder
r = r + 1
For Each File In origSubFolder.Files
'Save As original files as xlsx
fileName = fso.GetFileName(File)
fileNameWOExt = Left(fileName, (InStrRev(fileName, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
'fileNameWOExt = Left(fileName, InStr(fileName, ".") - 1)
fileNameWAffix = fileNameWOExt & affix
Set owb = Workbooks.Open(File)
owb.SaveAs fileName:=copiedSubFolder & "\" & fileNameWAffix, FileFormat:=51
'Recording files to Excel file
rfSht.Range("D" & r).Value = File
rfSht.Range("N" & r).Value = copiedSubFolder & "\" & fileNameWAffix & ".xlsx"
r = r + 1
MsgBox "Task completed", vbInformation
I was looking for the problem in the for each loop or "r=r+1", but always get this. Could you help me?
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Views: 73
Reputation: 26
You could do 2 things 1 is sorting the output in an array on VBA and then print the Array. else you could also sort output on excel. I would recommend the first one.
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