Reputation: 1261
I tried the implementation given here for knapsack problem using Branch and Bound.
The solution seems fine but it doesn't give the final selected items to reach the optimal value. Is there a way to get this by changing the following code minimally?
import sys
def bound(vw, v, w, idx):
if idx >= len(vw) or w > limit:
return -1
while idx < len(vw) and w + vw[idx][1] <= limit:
v, w, idx = v + vw[idx][0], w + vw[idx][1], idx + 1
if idx < len(vw):
v += (limit - w) * vw[idx][0] / (vw[idx][1] * 1.0)
return v
def knapsack(vw, limit, curValue, curWeight, curIndex):
global maxValue
if bound(vw, curValue, curWeight, curIndex) >= maxValue:
if curWeight + vw[curIndex][1] <= limit:
maxValue = max(maxValue, curValue + vw[curIndex][0])
knapsack(vw, limit, curValue + vw[curIndex][0], curWeight + vw[curIndex][1], curIndex + 1)
if curIndex < len(vw) - 1:
knapsack(vw, limit, curValue, curWeight, curIndex + 1)
return maxValue
maxValue = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else sys.exit(1)) as f:
n, limit = map(int, f.readline().split())
vw = []
taken = n * [0]
for ln in f.readlines():
vl, wl = map(int, ln.split())
vw.append([vl, wl, vl / (wl * 1.0)])
print(knapsack(sorted(vw, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True), limit, 0, 0, 0))
Lets say we have an input file with following contents
4 11
8 4
15 8
4 3
10 5
I am expecting a result like the following
0 1 1 0
I wrote my own implementation which gives the above desired output but it's taking too long for large problems like this one
Upvotes: 1
Views: 404
Reputation: 350300
I reorganised the provided code a bit, and then added the logic to keep track of the optimal selection. As you want that selection to be a list of zeroes and ones, I used a bitmap for it (a big integer), and each item gets a bit assigned in that bitmap.
Here is how it would look:
from collections import namedtuple
Item = namedtuple("Item", "value, weight, bit")
def knapsack(items, limit):
maxValue = 0
bestTaken = 0
def bound(value, weight, index):
if index >= len(items) or weight > limit:
return -1
item = items[index]
while weight + item.weight <= limit:
value, weight, index = value + item.value, weight + item.weight, index + 1
if index >= len(items):
return value
item = items[index]
return value + (limit - weight) * item.value / item.weight
def recur(taken, value, weight, index):
nonlocal maxValue, bestTaken
if maxValue < value:
maxValue = value
bestTaken = taken
if index < len(items) and bound(value, weight, index) >= maxValue:
item = items[index]
if weight + item.weight <= limit:
recur(taken | item.bit, value + item.value, weight + item.weight, index + 1)
recur(taken, value, weight, index + 1)
# Add bit mask for each item:
items = [Item(*item, 1 << index) for index, item in enumerate(items)]
items.sort(key=lambda item: -item.value / item.weight)
recur(0, 0, 0, 0)
return maxValue, ('{:0{width}b}').format(bestTaken, width=len(items))[::-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Demo input
s = """4 11
8 4
15 8
4 3
10 5"""
lines = s.splitlines(False)
_, limit = map(int, lines.pop(0).split())
items = [tuple(map(int, line.split())) for line in lines]
value, bits = knapsack(items, limit)
print("Maximised value:", value)
print("Item selection:", bits)
Upvotes: 2