Reputation: 24443
I made a view which fetches and shows a list of data. There is a context menu in toolbar where user can change data categories. This context menu lives outside of the list.
What I want to do is when user selects a category, the list should refetch data from backend and redraw entire of the view.
I made a BaseListView which can be reused in various screens in my app, and since the loadData
is inside the BaseListView, I don't know how to invoke it to reload data.
Did I do this with good approaching? Is there any way to force SwiftUI recreates entire of view so that the BaseListView loads data & renders subviews as first time it's created?
struct ProductListView: View {
var body: some View {
rowView: { ProductRowView(product: $0, searchText: $1)},
destView: { ProductDetailsView(product: $0) },
dataProvider: {(pageIndex, searchText, complete) in
return fetchProducts(pageIndex, searchText, complete)
.toolbar {
.onReceive(self.userSettings.$selectedCategory) { category in
//TODO: Here I need to reload data & recreate entire of view.
extension ProductListView{
private func fetchProducts(_ pageIndex: Int,_ searchText: String, _ complete: @escaping ([Product], Bool) -> Void) -> AnyCancellable {
let accountId = Defaults.selectedAccountId ?? ""
let pageSize = 20
let query = AllProductsQuery(id: accountId,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
pageSize: pageSize,
search: searchText)
return Network.shared.client.fetchPublisher(query: query)
.sink{ completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
} receiveValue: { response in
if let data ={
let canLoadMore = (data.count ?? 0) > pageSize * pageIndex
let rows = data.rows
complete(rows, canLoadMore)
is a separated view:
struct ProductCategories: View {
@EnvironmentObject var userSettings: UserSettings
var categories = ["F&B", "Beauty", "Auto"]
var body: some View{
Menu {
ForEach(categories,id: \.self){ item in
Button(item, action: {
userSettings.selectedCategory = item
Defaults.selectedCategory = item
label: {
Text(self.userSettings.selectedCategory ?? "All")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
}.onAppear {
userSettings.selectedCategory = Defaults.selectedCategory
Since my app has various list-view with same behaviours (Pagination, search, ...), I make a BaseListView like this:
struct BaseListView<RowData: StringComparable & Identifiable, RowView: View, Target: View>: View {
enum ListState {
case loading
case loadingMore
case loaded
case error(Error)
typealias DataCallback = ([RowData],_ canLoadMore: Bool) -> Void
@State var rows: [RowData] = Array()
@State var state: ListState = .loading
@State var searchText: String = ""
@State var pageIndex = 1
@State var canLoadMore = true
@State var cancellableSet = Set<AnyCancellable>()
@ObservedObject var searchBar = SearchBar()
@State var isLoading = false
let rowView: (RowData, String) -> RowView
let destView: (RowData) -> Target
let dataProvider: (_ page: Int,_ search: String, _ complete: @escaping DataCallback) -> AnyCancellable
var searchable: Bool?
var body: some View {
.if(searchable != false){view in
print("On appear")
.debounce(for: 0.8, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
.sink { text in
print("Search bar updated")
self.state = .loading
self.pageIndex = 1
self.searchText = text
}.store(in: &cancellableSet)
private var content: some View{
switch state {
case .loading:
return Spinner(isAnimating: true, style: .large).eraseToAnyView()
case .error(let error):
return Text("Unable to load data").eraseToAnyView()
case .loaded, .loadingMore:
list(of: rows)
private func list(of data: [RowData])-> some View{
let filteredData = rows.filter({
searchText.isEmpty || $0.contains(string: searchText)
ForEach(filteredData){ dataItem in
//Row content:
if let target = destView(dataItem), !(target is EmptyView){
NavigationLink(destination: target){
//LoadingMore indicator
if case ListState.loadingMore = self.state{
if self.rows.isLastItem(dataItem){
Seperator(color: .gray)
LoadingView(withText: "Loading...")
private func row(_ dataItem: RowData) -> some View{
rowView(dataItem, searchText).onAppear(){
//Check if need to load next page of data
if rows.isLastItem(dataItem) && canLoadMore && !isLoading{
isLoading = true
state = .loadingMore
pageIndex += 1
print("Load page \(pageIndex)")
private func loadData(){
dataProvider(pageIndex, searchText){ newData, canLoadMore in
self.state = .loaded
rows.append(contentsOf: newData)
self.canLoadMore = canLoadMore
isLoading = false
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1553
Reputation: 594
In your BaseListView you should have an onChange modifier that catches changes to userSettings.$selectedCategory and calls loadData there.
If you don't have access to userSettings in BaseListView, pass it in as a Binding or @EnvironmentObject.
Upvotes: 1