Reputation: 111
I'm using crypto-js in angular 11 but as when I update the webpack this annoying warning has appeared and I don't know how and where(path) I can solve it !!! the error is :
./node_modules/crypto-js/core.js:43:22-39 - Warning: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'crypto' in 'D:\node_modules\crypto-js'
BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default.
This is no longer the case. Verify if you need this module and configure a polyfill for it.
If you want to include a polyfill, you need to:
- add a fallback 'resolve.fallback: { "crypto": require.resolve("crypto-browserify") }'
- install 'crypto-browserify'
If you don't want to include a polyfill, you can use an empty module like this:
resolve.fallback: { "crypto": false }
Warning: D:\cryptoJs.service.ts depends on 'crypto-js'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
i even installed crypto-browserify but not solved yet. how to be handled?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3343
Reputation: 346
upgrade from angular 11 to angular 12 and I got the same error, I corrected it as follows
uninstall crypto-browserify and add this lines paths.crypto
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"crypto": [
In angular.json file change all "aot" properties to true, add crypto-js to allowedCommonJsDependencies and add the path "node_modules/crypto-js/crypto-js.js" in scripts (remember to install the latest version of crypto-js using npm "crypto-js": "^4.0.0",)
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"aot": true,
"assets": [
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [
"configurations": {
"production": {
"aot": true
that's all, this should work and the crypto-js warning should no longer appear
Upvotes: 8