Reputation: 117
I want to Write something in my TextInput Box with My VKeyboard in kivy language . but it's not work. I've use json for VKeyboard becouse I not found another way for it. if you know how can I use VKeyboard plz tell me .
I want to use VKeyboard on .kv file
this is my code (kivy code with kv file ):
from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.lang import Builder
from import ObjectProperty
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager , Screen
from kivy.uix.image import Image
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from import MDApp
from kivy.clock import Clock
from import StringProperty
from kivy.uix.vkeyboard import VKeyboard
class StartTestBtn(Screen):
def read_data(self):
class WindowManager(ScreenManager):
#:import utils kivy.utils
name: "startTestBtn"
orientation: "vertical"
size: root.width , root.height
padding: 100, 300, 300 , 500
id : ti
text : ti.text
size_hint_x: 1
height: 50
size_hint_y: None
width: 200
hint_text: "Enter User ID"
icon_right: "account"
orientation: "vertical"
size: root.width , root.height
padding: 1000, 30, 30 , 400
layout: 'numeric.json'
class Shenacell(MDApp):
def build(self):
self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark"
self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "BlueGray"
return WindowManager()
if __name__ == '__main__' :
and this is my json file :
"title": "Qwerty",
"description": "A classical US Keyboard",
"cols": 15,
"rows": 5,
"normal_1": [
["`", "`", "`", 1], ["1", "1", "1", 1], ["2", "2", "2", 1],
["3", "3", "3", 1], ["4", "4", "4", 1], ["5", "5", "5", 1],
["6", "6", "6", 1], ["7", "7", "7", 1], ["8", "8", "8", 1],
["9", "9", "9", 1], ["0", "0", "0", 1], ["-", "-", "-", 1],
["=", "=", "=", 1], ["\u232b", null, "backspace", 2]
"normal_2" : [
["\u21B9", "\t", "tab", 1.5], ["q", "q", "q", 1], ["w", "w", "w", 1],
["e", "e", "e", 1], ["r", "r", "r", 1], ["t", "t", "t", 1],
["y", "y", "y", 1], ["u", "u", "u", 1], ["i", "i", "i", 1],
["o", "o", "o", 1], ["p", "p", "p", 1], ["[", "[", "[", 1],
["]", "]", "j", 1], ["\\", "\\", "\\", 1]
"normal_3": [
["\u21ea", null, "capslock", 1.8], ["a", "a", "a", 1], ["s", "s", "s", 1],
["d", "d", "d", 1], ["f", "f", "f", 1], ["g", "g", "g", 1],
["h", "h", "h", 1], ["j", "j", "j", 1], ["k", "k", "k", 1],
["l", "l", "l", 1], [":", ":", ":", 1], ["'", "'", "'", 1],
["\u23ce", null, "enter", 2.2]
"normal_4": [
["\u21e7", null, "shift", 2.5], ["z", "z", null, 1], ["x", "x", "x", 1],
["c", "c", "c", 1], ["v", "v", "v", 1], ["b", "b", "b", 1],
["n", "n", "n", 1], ["m", "m", "m", 1], [",", ",", ",", 1],
[".", ".", ".", 1], ["/", "/", "/", 1], ["\u21e7", null, "shift", 2.5]
"normal_5": [
[" ", " ", "spacebar", 12], ["\u2b12", null, "layout", 1.5], ["\u2a2f", null, "escape", 1.5]
"shift_1": [
["~", "~", "~", 1], ["!", "!", "!", 1], ["@", "@", "@", 1],
["#", "#", "#", 1], ["$", "$", "$", 1], ["%", "%", "%", 1],
["^", "^", null, 1], ["&", "&", "&", 1], ["*", "*", "*", 1],
["(", "(", "(", 1], [")", ")", ")", 1], ["_", "_", "_", 1],
["+", "+", "+", 1], ["\u232b", null, "backspace", 2]
"shift_2": [
["\u21B9", "\t", "tab", 1.5], ["Q", "Q", null, 1], ["W", "W", null, 1],
["E", "E", "e", 1], ["R", "R", "r", 1], ["T", "T", "t", 1],
["Y", "Y", "y", 1], ["U", "U", "u", 1], ["I", "I", "i", 1],
["O", "O", "o", 1], ["P", "P", "p", 1], ["{", "{", "{", 1],
["}", "}", "}", 1], ["|", "|", "|", 1.5]
"shift_3": [
["\u21ea", null, "capslock", 1.8], ["A", "A", "a", 1], ["S", "S", "s", 1],
["D", "D", "d", 1], ["F", "F", "f", 1], ["G", "G", "g", 1],
["H", "H", "h", 1], ["J", "J", "j", 1], ["K", "K", "k", 1],
["L", "L", "l", 1], [";", ";", ";", 1], ["\"", "\"", "\"", 1],
["\u23ce", null, "enter", 2.2]
"shift_4": [
["\u21e7", null, "shift", 2.5], ["Z", "Z", "z", 1], ["X", "X", "x", 1],
["C", "C", "c", 1], ["V", "V", "v", 1], ["B", "B", "b", 1],
["N", "N", "n", 1], ["M", "M", "m", 1], ["<", "<", "<", 1],
[">", ">", ">", 1], ["?", "?", "?", 1.5], ["\u21e7", null, "shift", 2.5]
"shift_5": [
[" ", " ", "spacebar", 12], ["\u2b12", null, "layout", 1.5], ["\u2a2f", null, "escape", 1.5]
Upvotes: 0
Views: 564
Reputation: 1
The above answer does not work.
Sure the keyboard is displayed, but nothing typed on the virtual keyboard appears in the TextInput box. I would really like to know the answer, too. I am not allowed to comment so I'm posting this as an answer.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 38822
At the very top of your python code, insert:
from kivy.config import Config
Config.set('kivy', 'keyboard_mode', 'systemanddock')
This will cause a virtual keyboard to popup for any widget that needs keyboard input.
Then, in your kv
add a rule for VKeyboard
to get your customized keyboard (you can leave this out to get the standard VKeyboard
layout: 'numeric.json'
Upvotes: 1