Reputation: 136
I'm currently tuning hyperparameters of my SVM classifier. My current implementation uses the SKlearn gridsearchCV with the brier_score_loss scoring metric.
From reading the documentation, the brier_score_loss takes a probability as input, and implementing probability = True for SKlearn SVC internally conducts a 5-fold cross validation.
Is it necessary to conduct cross-validation on the gridsearch, or is the internal 5-fold cross validation sufficient?
For example, below I have two implementations one using a 5-fold gridsearchCV and one using only 1 fold.
params = {
"C": np.logspace(-3, 17, 21),
"gamma": np.logspace(-20, 1, 21)
grid_search_5_fold = GridSearchCV(estimator = SVC(probability = True),
param_grid = params,
scoring = 'neg_brier_score',
n_jobs = -1,
verbose = 2)
grid_search_1_fold = GridSearchCV(estimator = SVC(probability = True),
param_grid = params,
scoring = 'neg_brier_score',
n_jobs = -1,
verbose = 2,
cv = 1), y_train), y_train)
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Views: 613
you can do this
# parameter space for SVM
# ------------------------
parameter_space = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':[0.1,1,10]}
clf = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(gamma='auto'), parameter_space, n_jobs = -1, refit = True,
verbose = 10, cv = 5)
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