Reputation: 3805
I have a dataframe of lat-lon for which I want to extract the daily rainfall data from the "NASA/NEX-GDDP" dataset which is daily temporal resolution and 0.25 degree spatial resolution. My thought process is to
I need to do this for multiple years. The above steps are very time consuming esp the step 1. Is there any way I can extract the daily data directly instead of having to download rasters. Below is how I am doing currently
ee_Initialize(email = '[email protected]')
# define a bounding box within which my lat lon lies
polygon <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
c(-76.12, -36.69),
c(-15.42, 6.71),
c(-76.12, 6.71),
c(-76.12, -36.69)
latlon <- structure(list(lat = c(-11.125, -11.125, -10.875, -10.875, -10.875, -10.875, -10.875, -10.875),
lon = c(-37.375, -37.125, -70.625, -70.375, -70.125, -69.875, -69.625, -69.375)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
model_ref <- 'ACCESS1-0'
rcp_ref <- 'historical'
year_ref <- 2005
Imagecollection_pr <-
ee$ImageCollection("NASA/NEX-GDDP")$ # read the data
select('pr')$ # select rainfall
filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(year_ref, year_ref, "year"))$ # filter the year
filter(ee$Filter$eq("model", model_ref))$ # filter the model
filter(ee$Filter$eq("scenario", rcp_ref)) # filter the scenario
# Downloading as raster from Earth Engine to Local. This downloads 365 images for 2005
ic = Imagecollection_pr,
region = polygon,
dsn = paste0('pr'),
via = 'getInfo')
# extract values for the given latlon
ll <- latlon
coordinates(ll) <- ~ lon + lat
proj4string(ll) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
raster_ls <- list.files(file.path(getwd()), pattern = '.tif')
temp_ls <- list()
for(rr in seq_along(raster_ls)){
raster_temp <- raster_ls[rr]
raster_doy <- raster(raster_temp)
crs(raster_doy) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
ymd <-
as.numeric(gsub(model_ref,"",raster_temp) %>%
gsub('pr',"",.) %>%
gsub(rcp_ref,"",.) %>%
gsub(".tif","",.) %>%
latlon$val <- extract(raster_doy, ll)
temp_ls[[rr]] <- latlon %>% dplyr::mutate(ymd = ymd)
results <-'rbind', temp_ls)
lat lon val ymd
1 -11.125 -37.375 1.677004e-05 20050101
2 -11.125 -37.125 1.582177e-05 20050101
3 -10.875 -70.625 4.219083e-05 20050101
4 -10.875 -70.375 3.825104e-05 20050101
5 -10.875 -70.125 3.438132e-05 20050101
6 -10.875 -69.875 2.946513e-05 20050101
Upvotes: 5
Views: 455