Reputation: 698
So, I would like to implement one to one relation between CrmLeadActivity and CrmLeadActivityRecurrence tables. And after that, I want to use this tablet inside an another table where the relation is N-M.
If I replace CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence to CrmLeadActivity inside CrmOpportunityWithEventsView table, the error is gone. But I loose CrmLeadActivityRecurrence table.
Inside the CrmOpportunityRepository I created a Raw Query.
The specific errors are : error: The class must be either @Entity or @DatabaseView.
Cannot find the child entity column `crm_opportunity_oid` in hu.crm.crmapp.ui.uimodels.CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence
I dont understand the second error, because as you can see, CrmLeadActivity contains the crm_opportunity_oid
All the entity models are in my DateBaseMondule and the Dao classes as well
So My models:
@Entity(tableName = CrmLeadActivity.TABLE_NAME,indices = [Index(value = ["subject","start_on","crm_opportunity_oid"])])
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
open class CrmLeadActivity(
@JsonProperty("oid") @PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "oid") var oid: String = "",
@JsonProperty("Subject") @ColumnInfo(name = "subject") var subject: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("StartOn") @ColumnInfo(name = "start_on") var startOn: Date = Date(),
@JsonProperty("EndOn") @ColumnInfo(name = "end_on") var endOn: Date = Date(),
@JsonProperty("CrmOpportunityOid") @ColumnInfo(name = "crm_opportunity_oid") var crmOpportunityOid: String = "",
@JsonProperty("Location") @ColumnInfo(name = "location") var location: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("Description") @ColumnInfo(name = "description") var description: String? = null,
@JsonProperty("SendNotificationToParticipant") @ColumnInfo(name = "send_notification_to_participants") var sendNotificationToParticipants: Boolean = false,
@JsonProperty("SyncStatus") @ColumnInfo(name = "sync_status") var syncStatus: Int? = null,
@JsonProperty("CrmLeadActivityHrPersonRows") @Ignore open var crmLeadActivityHrPersonRows : List<CrmLeadActivityHrPerson> = emptyList()
@Entity(tableName = CrmLeadActivityRecurrence.TABLE_NAME)
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
open class CrmLeadActivityRecurrence(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "oid") var oid: String = "",
@ColumnInfo(name = "start_time") var startTime: Date? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "end_time") var endTime: Date? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "date_number") var dateNumber: Int? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "recurrence_type") var recurrenceType: Int? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "crm_lead_activity_oid") var crmLeadActivityOid: String = "",
@ColumnInfo(name = "day_of_week") var dayOfWeek: Int? = null,
@ColumnInfo(name = "recurrence_range") var recurrence_range: Int? = null
Relation Table:
data class CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence(
parentColumn = "oid",
entityColumn = "crm_lead_activity_oid",
var crmLeadActivityRecurrence: CrmLeadActivityRecurrence? = null
): CrmLeadActivity()
Another Table:
@Entity(tableName = CrmOpportunity.TABLE_NAME,indices = [Index(value = ["short_name","customer_oid","sale_date","close_date","guidance_date","mapping_date"])])
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
open class CrmOpportunity(
@JsonProperty("Oid") @PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "oid") var oid: String = "",
@JsonProperty("ShortName") @ColumnInfo(name = "short_name") var shortName: String? = "",
@JsonProperty( "CustomerOid") @ColumnInfo(name = "customer_oid") var customerOid: String = ""
//There are more propoerties, but I think it is not important
And another Relation table:
class CrmOpportunityWithEventsView(
parentColumn = "oid",
entityColumn = "crm_opportunity_oid"
var crmLeadActivities: List<CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence> = emptyList()
) : CrmOpportunity() {}
fun getProjectWithEvent(
searchText: String?,
fromDate: Long,
toDate: Long,
hrPerson: String?
): LiveData<PagedList<CrmOpportunityWithEventsView>> {
val sb = StringBuilder()
val bindLists = ArrayList<Any>()
sb.append("SELECT t1.* , count(t2.oid) FROM ${CrmOpportunity.TABLE_NAME} t1 LEFT JOIN ${CrmLeadActivity.TABLE_NAME} t2 ON t1.oid = t2.crm_opportunity_oid ")
sb.append(" LEFT JOIN ${CrmLeadActivityHrPerson.TABLE_NAME} t3 ON t2.oid = t3.crm_lead_activity_oid ")
sb.append(" LEFT JOIN ${CrmLeadActivityRecurrence.TABLE_NAME} t4 ON t2.oid = t4.crm_lead_activity_oid ")
sb.append("WHERE (t1.short_name like ? ")
sb.append(" OR t2.subject like ? ) ")
sb.append(" AND t3.hr_person_oid LIKE ?")
sb.append(" AND ((t2.start_on >= ? ")
sb.append(" AND t2.start_on <= ? ) OR")
sb.append(" ( t4.start_time <= ? AND t4.end_time >= ? ))")
sb.append(" GROUP BY t1.oid HAVING count(t2.oid) > 0 ORDER BY t1.oid")
val simpleSqLiteQuery = SimpleSQLiteQuery(sb.toString(), bindLists.toTypedArray())
val config = PagedList.Config.Builder()
.setInitialLoadSizeHint(50 * 2).build()
return LivePagedListBuilder(
@RawQuery(observedEntities = [CrmOpportunity::class, CrmLeadActivity::class,CrmLeadActivityHrPerson::class,CrmLeadActivityRecurrence::class])
abstract fun getProjectWithEvents(simpleSQLiteQuery: SimpleSQLiteQuery): DataSource.Factory<Int, CrmOpportunityWithEventsView>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 870
Reputation: 57053
I dont understand the second error, because as you can see, CrmLeadActivity contains the crm_opportunity_oid
BUT the message is not saying that CrmLeadActivity should or does not contain the crm_opportunity_oid.
The message is saying that crm_opportunity_oid cannot be found in CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence.
This would be because of :-
class CrmOpportunityWithEventsView(
parentColumn = "oid",
entityColumn = "crm_opportunity_oid"
var crmLeadActivities: List<CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence> = emptyList()
) : CrmOpportunity() {}
So message error: The class must be either @Entity or @DatabaseView.
is saying that CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence is not a table, which it isn't, it's a POJO that is instantiated with columns/fields from the related tables (CrmLeadActivity.TABLE_NAME and CrmLeadActivityRecurrence.TABLE_NAME).
As such you need to identify the table using the @Relation's entity parameter to let room know the table where it is expected to get the crm_opportunity_oid
entity = ?::class
) @Relation
defaults to the table associated with the var/val that the annotation is for. So it tries to look in the table associate with CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence and it's not a table (first message) then it says (2nd Message) it cannot find the column crm_oppurtunity_oid as CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence isn't a table.As such I believe that you want :-
class CrmOpportunityWithEventsView(
entity = CrmLeadActivity::class, /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED */
parentColumn = "oid",
entityColumn = "crm_opportunity_oid"
var crmLeadActivities: List<CrmLeadActivityWithRecurrence> = emptyList()
) : CrmOpportunity() {}
Upvotes: 3