Reputation: 1
Good afternoon all,
I'm trying to call all of the results within an API that has:
I can obviously use the $Skip ODATA expression to get any one of the 67 pages by adding the expression to the end of the URL like so (which would skip the first 100, therefore returning the 2nd page:$Skip=100
What I'm trying to do though is to create a custom function that will loop through each of the 67 calls, changing the $Skip value by an increment of 100 each time.
I thought I'd accomplished the goal with the below code:
Token = "Token",
BaseURL = "",
Path = "servicedesk/tickets/",
RecordsPerPage = 100,
CountTickets = Json.Document(Web.Contents(BaseURL,[Headers = [Authorization="Bearer " & Token],RelativePath = Path & "count"])),
TotalRecords = CountTickets[TotalRecords],
GetJson = (Url) =>
let Options = [Headers=[ #"Authorization" = "Bearer " & Token ]],
RawData = Web.Contents(Url, Options),
Json = Json.Document(RawData)
in Json,
GetPage = (Index) =>
let Skip = "$Skip=" & Text.From(Index * RecordsPerPage),
URL = BaseURL & Path & "?" & Skip,
Json = GetJson(URL)
in Json,
TotalPages = Number.RoundUp(TotalRecords / RecordsPerPage),
PageIndicies = {0.. TotalPages - 1},
Pages = List.Transform(PageIndicies, each GetPage(_))
I got all happy when it successfully made the 67 API calls and combined the results into a list for me to load in to a Power Query table, however what I'm actually seeing is the first 100 records repeated 67 times.
That tells me that my GetPage custom function which handles the $Skip value isn't changing and is stuck on the first one. To make sure the Skip index was generating them properly I duplicated the query and changed the code to load in the $Skip values and see what they are, expecting them all to be $Skip=0, what I see though is the correct $Skip values as below:
Image showing correct Skip values
It seems everything is working as it should be, only I'm only getting the first page 67 times.
I've made a couple of posts on other community site around this issue before but I realise the problem I was (poorly) describing was far too broad to get any meaningful assistance. I think now I've gotten to the point where I understand what my own code is doing and have really zoomed in to the problem - I just don't know how to fix it when I'm at the final hurdle...
Any help/advice would be massively appreciated. Thank you.
Edit: Updated following @RicardoDiaz answer.
// Define base parameters
Filter = "",
Path = "servicedesk/tickets/",
URL = "",
Token = "Token",
Limit = "100",
// Build the table based on record start and any filters
GetEntityRaw = (Filter as any, RecordStart as text, Path as text) =>
Options = [Headers=[ #"Authorization" = "Bearer " & Token ]],
URLbase = URL & Path & "?bearer=" & Token & "&start=" & RecordStart & "&limit=" & Text.From(Limit),
URLentity = if Filter <> null then URLbase & Filter else URLbase,
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(URLentity, Options)),
Result = Source[Result],
toTable = Table.FromList(Result, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
// Recursively call the build table function
GetEntity = (optional RecordStart as text) as table =>
result = GetEntityRaw(Filter, RecordStart, Path),
nextStart = Text.From(Number.From(RecordStart) + Limit),
nextTable = Table.Combine({result, @GetEntity(nextStart)}),
check = try nextTable otherwise result
resultTable = GetEntity("0")
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Views: 1296
Reputation: 5696
As I couldn't test your code, it's kind of hard to provide you a concrete answer.
Said that, please review the generic code I use to connect to an api and see if you can find where yours is not working
EDIT: Changed api_record_limit type to number (removed the quotation marks)
// Define base parameters
api_url_filter = "",
api_entity = "servicedesk/tickets/",
api_url = "",
api_token = "Token",
api_record_limit = 500,
// Build the table based on record start and any filters
fx_api_get_entity_raw = (api_url_filter as any, api_record_start as text, api_entity as text) =>
api_url_base = api_url & api_entity & "?api_token=" & api_token & "&start=" & api_record_start & "&limit=" & Text.From(api_record_limit),
api_url_entity = if api_url_filter <> null then api_url_base & api_url_filter else api_url_base,
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(api_url_entity)),
data = Source[data],
toTable = Table.FromList(data, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
// Recursively call the build table function
fxGetEntity = (optional api_record_start as text) as table =>
result = fx_api_get_entity_raw(api_url_filter, api_record_start, api_entity),
nextStart = Text.From(Number.From(api_record_start) + api_record_limit),
nextTable = Table.Combine({result, @fxGetEntity(nextStart)}),
check = try nextTable otherwise result
resultTable = fxGetEntity("0"),
expandColumn = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
List.Transform(Record.FieldNames(resultTable{0}[Column1]), each _)
Regarding this line:
Result = Source[Result],
Does the json return a field called result instead of data?
Upvotes: 0