Below is the code I got so far. The code was heavily inspired from the answer of this question: Excel-VBA; Copy data from excel and paste it in to a word template at different places
\nI am new to VBA and so far I only figured out how to insert text from one\nRegion and I would need to do the task for three Regions to get three paragraphs.
\nSub PasteStuffIntoWord()\nDim ws As Worksheet\nDim TextToPaste As String\nDim objWord As Object\nDim objSelection As Object\n\nSet ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")\nWith ws\n TextToPaste = " For Region 1, on June, 21 the estimate was " & .Range("D6").Text & _\n " and the volume was " & .Range("D7").Text & _\n " and the variance was " _\n & .Range("D8").Text\nEnd With\n\n Set objWord = CreateObject("word.Application")\n objWord.Documents.Open "C:Test.docx"\n objWord.Visible = True\n Set objSelection = objWord.Selection\n objSelection.TypeText TextToPaste\n\nEnd Sub\n\n\n
\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Charlotte"},"upvoteCount":0,"answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Try this code:
\nOption Explicit\n\nSub Export()\n Dim objWord As Object, doc As Object, reg As Variant\n \n Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")\n objWord.Visible = True 'optional, but better not\n \n With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet 1")\n For Each reg In Array("Region1", "Region2", "Region3")\n .Range("B3") = reg\n .Calculate\n \n Set doc = objWord.Documents.Add 'Open("C:\\Test.docx")\n \n doc.Range.Text = " For Region 1, on June, 21 the estimate was " & .Range("D6").Text & _\n " and the volume was " & .Range("D7").Text & _\n " and the variance was " _\n & .Range("D8").Text\n \n doc.SaveAs "C:\\temp\\" & reg & ".docx" ' your path and name\n doc.Close False\n Next\n End With\n \n objWord.Quit\nEnd Sub\n
\nSub Export()\n Dim reg As Variant, col As String, txt As String\n \n With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet 1")\n For Each reg In Array("Region1", "Region2", "Region3")\n .Range("B3") = reg\n .Calculate\n \n col = IIf(.Range("D2").Value = 14, "C", "D") 'select column due to D2 value\n \n ' collect all texts in txt\n txt = txt & vbTab & "For " & reg & ", on June, 21 the estimate was " & _\n .Range(col & "6").Text & " and the volume was " & .Range(col & "7").Text & _\n " and the variance was " & .Range(col & "8").Text & vbLf\n Next\n End With\n \n With CreateObject("Word.Application").Documents.Add\n .Range.Text = txt ' output all text to the document\n .SaveAs "C:\\temp\\AllTheText.docx" ' your path and name\n .Parent.Quit 'quit Word\n End With\nEnd Sub\n
\n","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Алексей Р"},"upvoteCount":1}}}Reputation: 423
I would like to populate a Word template with 3 numbers from an Excel table column for each Region in the drop down list (I simplified the task in this example). The template is very simple as follows: For Region 1, on June, 21 the estimate was "D6" and the volume was "D7" and the variance was "D8 (in percentage)". Please see image below.
I have 3 options (Regions) in the drop-down list and for every option the values in the table change. I need the numbers in the column to be copied for every Region in the drop down list (Region 1, Region 2, Region 3) and they should be copied in a in the same Word document, one paragraph below the other, one for Region 1, one for Region 2 etc. (see template above).
The value in D2 is changed manually depending on the week and for example if the value in D2 is 14 it should insert the numbers in column C etc.
Note 1: I tried to use mail merge but it is not possible with the drop down list and the format of my data.
Below is the code I got so far. The code was heavily inspired from the answer of this question: Excel-VBA; Copy data from excel and paste it in to a word template at different places
I am new to VBA and so far I only figured out how to insert text from one Region and I would need to do the task for three Regions to get three paragraphs.
Sub PasteStuffIntoWord()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim TextToPaste As String
Dim objWord As Object
Dim objSelection As Object
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With ws
TextToPaste = " For Region 1, on June, 21 the estimate was " & .Range("D6").Text & _
" and the volume was " & .Range("D7").Text & _
" and the variance was " _
& .Range("D8").Text
End With
Set objWord = CreateObject("word.Application")
objWord.Documents.Open "C:Test.docx"
objWord.Visible = True
Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
objSelection.TypeText TextToPaste
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 177
Reputation: 7627
Try this code:
Option Explicit
Sub Export()
Dim objWord As Object, doc As Object, reg As Variant
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True 'optional, but better not
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet 1")
For Each reg In Array("Region1", "Region2", "Region3")
.Range("B3") = reg
Set doc = objWord.Documents.Add 'Open("C:\Test.docx")
doc.Range.Text = " For Region 1, on June, 21 the estimate was " & .Range("D6").Text & _
" and the volume was " & .Range("D7").Text & _
" and the variance was " _
& .Range("D8").Text
doc.SaveAs "C:\temp\" & reg & ".docx" ' your path and name
doc.Close False
End With
End Sub
Sub Export()
Dim reg As Variant, col As String, txt As String
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet 1")
For Each reg In Array("Region1", "Region2", "Region3")
.Range("B3") = reg
col = IIf(.Range("D2").Value = 14, "C", "D") 'select column due to D2 value
' collect all texts in txt
txt = txt & vbTab & "For " & reg & ", on June, 21 the estimate was " & _
.Range(col & "6").Text & " and the volume was " & .Range(col & "7").Text & _
" and the variance was " & .Range(col & "8").Text & vbLf
End With
With CreateObject("Word.Application").Documents.Add
.Range.Text = txt ' output all text to the document
.SaveAs "C:\temp\AllTheText.docx" ' your path and name
.Parent.Quit 'quit Word
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 1