Reputation: 2720
I am using Highcharts 7.2.2 version to display charts on my application. I am using the below code. The code runs and compile successfully on my local machine. However, when I try to deploy it using CI CD process it keeps giving me the error. Below is the code I am using which is running perfectly on my local machine.
displayGraph(results: any, key: string) {
var self = this;
var faultCountData: number[][] = [];
var faultDurationData: number[][] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results[key].length; i++) {
var timeArr = results[key][i].duration.split(":");
var ms =
Number(timeArr[0]) * 160 * 2 60 * 21000 +
Number(timeArr[1]) * 160 * 11000;
faultDurationData.push([results[key][i].latestOccuranceTime, ms]);
chart: {
renderTo: "dailyFault",
credits: { enabled: false },
title: { text: "" },
xAxis: {
type: "datetime",
labels: {
format: "{value:%e/%m/%Y}",
yAxis: [
labels: {
format: "{value}",
style: {
color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0],
title: {
text: this.translation.translate(
style: {
color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0],
// Secondary yAxis
title: {
text: this.translation.translate(
style: {
color: "#ffb0ad",
type: "datetime",
labels: {
style: {
color: "#ffb0ad",
formatter: function () {
var time = this.value;
var hours1 = parseInt((time / 3600000).toString());
var mins1 = parseInt(
(parseInt((time % 3600000).toString()) / 60000).toString()
return (
(hours1 < 10 ? "0" + hours1 : hours1) +
":" +
(mins1 < 10 ? "0" + mins1 : mins1)
opposite: true,
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
pointFormatter: function () {
var time = this.y;
var hours1 = parseInt((time / 3600000).toString());
var mins1 = parseInt(
(parseInt((time % 3600000).toString()) / 60000).toString()
if ( == "Fault Count")
return `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span> ${}: <b>${this.y}</b><br/>`;
return `<span style="color:${this.color}">\u25CF</span> ${
}: <b>${
(hours1 < 10 ? "0" + hours1 : hours1) +
":" +
(mins1 < 10 ? "0" + mins1 : mins1)
shared: true,
series: [
name: this.translation.translate(
data: [faultDurationData],
type: "column",
yAxis: 1,
color: "#ffb0ad",
name: this.translation.translate(
type: "spline",
data: [faultCountData],
The above code run perfectly in my local. however while deploying I am getting the below error:
error TS2345: Argument of type '{ chart: { renderTo: string; }; credits: { enabled: false; };
title: { text: string; }; xAxis: { ...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Options'.
Types of property 'series' are incompatible.
Type '({ name: any; data: number[][]; type: "column"; yAxis: number; color: string; } | {
name: any; ty...' is not assignable to type '(SeriesAbandsOptions | SeriesAdOptions |
SeriesAoOptions | SeriesApoOptions | SeriesAreaOptions |...'.
Type '{ name: any; data: number[][]; type: "column"; yAxis: number; color: string; } | { name:
any; typ...' is not assignable to type 'SeriesAbandsOptions | SeriesAdOptions |
SeriesAoOptions | SeriesApoOptions | SeriesAreaOptions | ...'.
Type '{ name: any; data: number[][]; type: "column"; yAxis: number; color: string; }' is not
assignable to type 'SeriesAbandsOptions | SeriesAdOptions | SeriesAoOptions | SeriesApoOptions
| SeriesAreaOptions | ...'.
Type '{ name: any; data: number[][]; type: "column"; yAxis: number; color: string; }' is not
assignable to type 'SeriesColumnOptions'.
Types of property 'data' are incompatible.
Type 'number[][]' is not assignable to type '(number | [string | number, number] |
Type 'number[]' is not assignable to type 'number | [string | number, number] |
Type 'number[]' has no properties in common with type 'SeriesColumnDataOptions'.
Does any one have any thoughts what am I doing wrong?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 653