Reputation: 13994
I have a CuratorFramework
client (v5.1.0) running against a Zookeeper server (v3.7.0). If the
Zookeeper server is shutdown while the client is connected to it I can see connection states
(with a ConnectionStateListener
and then LOST
and then nothing more even
when the server comes back online.
This feels like a very standard use case and that I must be missing something silly, but I can never get the client to connect again once the server is online.
I have done some google searching and found nothing useful about how to handle recovery after a LOST state.
I have a self-contained example of what I am doing with the example code in the CuratorRecoveryTest class (run in IDE rather than maven). The meat of it is (extracted from the test class):
// setup the server and client
server = new TestingServer();
client = newClient(server.getConnectString(), 60000, 15000, new RetryNTimes(1, 250));
// add the listener
final var stateListener = new StateListener();
stateListener.stateChanged(client, CONNECTED);
// register the listener
// verify connection
// let things settle
nap(3, "initial settling");
// stop zk
stopServer();">>>>>>>>>> STOPPED ZK SERVER");
// let it bake
nap(3, "letting things bake");
// ensure disconnected
nap(3, "disconnecting");
// start zk
server.start();">>>>>>>>>> STARTED ZK SERVER");
await().atMost(5, MINUTES).until(() -> stateListener.getCurrentState() == CONNECTED || stateListener.getCurrentState() == RECONNECTED);
// NOTE: it never gets here - no state changes after LOST
When this is run I get the following output:
[Thread-0] INFO org.apache.curator.test.TestingZooKeeperMain - Starting server
[Thread-0] WARN org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerCnxnFactory - maxCnxns is not configured, using default value 0.
[main] INFO org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
[main] INFO org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Default schema
[main] WARN demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - CONNECTION-STATE-CHANGE: null --> CONNECTED
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Taking a 3s nap for initial settling...
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Done napping for initial settling...
[Curator-ConnectionStateManager-0] WARN demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - CONNECTION-STATE-CHANGE: CONNECTED --> SUSPENDED
[main] INFO demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - >>>>>>>>>> STOPPED ZK SERVER
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Taking a 3s nap for letting things bake...
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Done napping for letting things bake...
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Taking a 3s nap for disconnecting...
[main] DEBUG demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - Done napping for disconnecting...
[main] INFO demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - >>>>>>>>>> STARTED ZK SERVER
[Curator-ConnectionStateManager-0] WARN org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateManager - Session timeout has elapsed while SUSPENDED. Injecting a session expiration. Elapsed ms: 20009. Adjusted session timeout ms: 20000
[main-EventThread] WARN org.apache.curator.ConnectionState - Session expired event received
[Curator-ConnectionStateManager-0] WARN demo.CuratorRecoveryTest - CONNECTION-STATE-CHANGE: SUSPENDED --> LOST
which then fails when the waiting condition never happens.
NOTE: This happens on an older version combination of Curator and Zookeeper as well, so this is not a "bleeding edge" issue.
What am I missing?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 2487
Reputation: 1985
I had a similar issue, and concluded that the curator appears to reuse obsolete IPs when the zookeeper server is restarted.
The approach outlined in this ticket worked for me. In particular, this commit which adds a custom ZookeeperFactory
which does not reuse the previous, out-of-date IP, but instead uses the original non-resolved hostname.
In brief, when creating the curator, assign a custom ZookeeperFactory
CuratorFramework zkClient = CuratorFrameworkFactory
.zookeeperFactory(new ZKClientFactory())
where this ZKClientFactory
creates a new Zookeeper
from a cached connectString
Upvotes: 2