Reputation: 486

Optimization problem with non-linear constraint

I am new to Optimization problems and working on a simple maximization problem, that i can solve quite simply in Excel. However, I need to scale it in Python and need some help.

I have a menu of different food items, and I need to maximize my energy output. Example:

Macros Food Calorie Energy
Protein Fish 100 60
Protein Lamb 200 40
Protein Egg 200 38
Carbs Banana 200 25
Carbs Potato 200 30
Carbs Rice 200 40
Fat Avocado 450 50
Fat Cheese 400 60
Fat Cream 500 55

I need to Maximize Energy(e), given the following constraints:

  1. Only 1 of the food-items(i) per Macros(m) can be consumed. So I need an indicator variable (0/1) to select only 1 from each of m - Protein, Fat and Carbs.
  2. Total number of calories (c) should not exceed a constant value Assume 1 portion for each item (no constraint required for this)

Problem Formulation:

Variable: X (m,i) → Binary Variable = {1 , if macro m and item i is chosen, 0 Otherwise}

Maximize e(m,i) * X(m,i)

Parameters: Calories (C) -> Calories for each (Macro, fooditem)

Subject to Constraints: For each m, Σ X (m,i) <= 1 (only 1 item per each macro can be selected) Σ c(m,i) * X(m,i)/ X(i) <= N ( calories consumer limited to constant N)

So far, I see this as a Mixed Integer Problem with a Non-linear constraint.

  1. I have attempted using Pulp, but it fails due to non-linear constraint. If I remove the non-linearity, it works ok.
  2. I attempted with Scipy Optimize, but Scipy doesn't allow to create integer variables.

How can I solve this using Python? Am I misinterpreting the problem here?

UPDATE: The above was missing the non-linear component that gets added due to the mean. I updated the problem from a constraint on the total to a constraint on the mean. In a non-mathematical lingo, I am taking the mean of the number I get after multiplying all the macros since I want my average calories to be less than the constant N.

So mathematically, Σ c(m,i) * X(m,i)/ X(i) <= N ( average calories consumer limited to constant N)

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Views: 1424

Answers (1)


Reputation: 7157

As you already mentioned, scipy.optimize.minimize can't handle mixed-integer problems (MIP). The most one can do is to try to solve the MIP by a penalty method, i.e. one adds a penalty function to the objective like 1.0/eps * np.sum(x*(1 - x)), where eps > 0 is a given penalty parameter and x a np.ndarray.

However, it's much more convenient to solve the problem with a MIP solver. Since your problem has a well-known knapsack-like structure, you can expect even non-commercial MIP solvers (PuLp uses CBC by default) to utilize your problem's underlying structure. Here, I'd recommend the following formulation:

Binary variables:
x[i] = 1 if fooditem i is chosen, 0 otherwise

a[i][m] = 1 if fooditem i covers macro m, 0 otherwise
c[i]        calories for fooditem i
e[i]        energy for fooditem i
N           total calories limit


max Σ (e[i] * a[i][m] * x[i],  ∀ i ∈ Fooditems, m ∈ Macros)

s.t. Σ (a[i][m] * x[i], ∀ i ∈ Fooditems) <= 1  ∀ m ∈ Macros. (1)
     Σ (c[i] * x[i], ∀ i ∈ Fooditems)    <= N                (2)

which can be modelled and solved like this:

import pulp

fooditems = {
    'Fish':    {'macro': 'Protein', 'calorie': 100, 'energy': 60},
    'Lamb':    {'macro': 'Protein', 'calorie': 200, 'energy': 40},
    'Egg':     {'macro': 'Protein', 'calorie': 200, 'energy': 38},
    'Banana':  {'macro': 'Carbs',   'calorie': 200, 'energy': 25},
    'Potato':  {'macro': 'Carbs',   'calorie': 200, 'energy': 30},
    'Rice':    {'macro': 'Carbs',   'calorie': 200, 'energy': 40},
    'Avocado': {'macro': 'Fat',     'calorie': 450, 'energy': 50},
    'Cheese':  {'macro': 'Fat',     'calorie': 400, 'energy': 60},
    'Cream':   {'macro': 'Fat',     'calorie': 500, 'energy': 55},

# parameters
macros = list({fooditems[i]['macro'] for i in fooditems})
a = {item: {m: 1 if m == fooditems[item]['macro']
            else 0 for m in macros} for item in fooditems}
c = {item: fooditems[item]['calorie'] for item in fooditems}
e = {item: fooditems[item]['energy'] for item in fooditems}
N = 1000

# pulp model
mdl = pulp.LpProblem("bla", pulp.LpMaximize)

# binary variables
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", fooditems, cat="Binary")

# objective
mdl.setObjective(sum(e[i] * a[i][m] * x[i] for m in macros for i in fooditems))

# constraints (1)
for m in macros:
    mdl.addConstraint(sum(a[i][m]*x[i] for i in fooditems) <= 1)

# constraints (2)
mdl.addConstraint(sum(x[i]*c[i] for i in fooditems) <= N)

# solve the problem

print(f"Status: {pulp.LpStatus[mdl.status]}")
for var in mdl.variables():
    print(f"{var.name} = {var.varValue:.0f}")
print(f"energy: {mdl.objective.value()}")

This yields

Status: Optimal
x_Avocado = 0.0
x_Banana = 0.0
x_Cheese = 1.0
x_Cream = 0.0
x_Egg = 0.0
x_Fish = 1.0
x_Lamb = 0.0
x_Potato = 0.0
x_Rice = 1.0
Energy: 160.0

Upvotes: 5

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