Reputation: 3682
I have no ideas what to set here. The whole policy, binding and member stuff is very confusing IMHO. Are any of these roles? Anyway...
Trying to access the secret manager from a cloud function. The cloud function is setup using Terraform:
module "mds_reporting_cloud_function" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/scheduled-function/google"
version = "2.0.0"
project_id = var.function_gcp_project
job_name = var.function_name
job_description = var.function_description
job_schedule = var.function_cron_schedule
function_entry_point = "main"
function_source_directory = "${path.module}/../../../../src"
function_name = var.function_name
region = var.function_gcp_region
bucket_name = var.function_name
function_description = var.function_description
function_environment_variables = var.function_environment_variables
function_runtime = "python38"
topic_name = var.function_name
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function_iam_binding" "binding" {
project = var.function_gcp_project
region = var.function_gcp_region
cloud_function = var.function_name
role = "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor"
members = [
My understanding is, that if no service account for the cloud function is specified it will use the default App Engine service account.
The binding should 'bind' the role to the existing IAM policy of the App Engine service account.
However, it throws this error:
Error applying IAM policy for cloudfunctions cloudfunction "projects/alpine-proton-280612/locations/europe-west3/functions/mds-reporting-cloud-function":
Error setting IAM policy for cloudfunctions cloudfunction "projects/alpine-proton-280612/locations/europe-west3/functions/mds-reporting-cloud-function":
googleapi: Error 400: Role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor is not supported for this resource.
Not sure what do.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2901
Reputation: 76018
The best solution is to grant, only on the secret, the permission for the Cloud Functions service account to access the secret. For that use the Secret Manager IAM terraform resource
resource "google_secret_manager_secret_iam_binding" "binding" {
project = var.function_gcp_project
secret_id = google_secret_manager_secret.your-secret.secret_id
# If your secret is not created by terraform, use this format for the id projects/{{project}}/secrets/{{secret_id}}
role = "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor"
members = [
Important note:
Upvotes: 8