Reputation: 611
I have workbook with three sheets. I copy data from sheet1 to sheet2 & sheet3 depend on specific condition on sheet1, value = "Yes" on columns T or U. The below code works fine using for Loop, but it is slow. Now I transferred all data of sheet1 to array .
MyArray = Sheet1.Range("A3:U" & LastRow).Value2
is it possible to copy data from this array (by condition if specific value on it) to the other sheets . I am new to vba , so any help will be appreciated .
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim ris_column As Range
Dim cell As Object
Dim DestRng As Range
Dim MyArray() As Variant
LastRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
MyArray = Sheet1.Range("A3:U" & LastRow).Value2
Set ris_column = Sheet1.Range("T3:T" & LastRow)
For Each cell In ris_column
If cell.value = "Yes" Then
Set DestRng = Sheet2.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
cell.EntireRow.Copy DestRng
End If
Next cell
Set ris_column = Sheet1.Range("U3:U" & LastRow)
For Each cell In ris_column
If cell.value = "Yes" Then
Set DestRng = Sheet3.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
cell.EntireRow.Copy DestRng
End If
Next cell
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Update: Both two answers works perfectly , I tested on a sheet with total 2180 rows and copied rows about 1200. "FaneDure" Code takes about 4 second to finish and "Super Symmetry" code takes 0.07 of second which is significantly faster .
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1036
Reputation: 3034
If you don't want to consider autofilter option.
Option Explicit
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
StartTime = Timer
Dim arr, findT As Range, findU As Range, arrStr As String, i As Long, j As Long
Dim LastRow As Long, ColT As Range, ColU As Range, k As Long, n As Long
LastRow = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
k = 3000
For j = 2 To LastRow Step WorksheetFunction.Min(LastRow, k)
'Evaluate Column T for "Yes" and create range findT
Set ColT = Sheet1.Range("T" & j + 1 & ":T" & WorksheetFunction.Min(j + k, LastRow))
arr = Evaluate("Transpose(IF((" & ColT.Address & "=" & """YES""" & ")," & _
"""A""" & "& ROW(" & ColT.Address & ") &" & _
""":U""" & "& ROW(" & ColT.Address & "),""0""))")
arrStr = Replace(Join(arr, ","), ",0", "")
If Left(arrStr, 2) = "0," Then
arrStr = Right(arrStr, Len(arrStr) - 2)
End If
For n = 15 To Len(arrStr) - Len(Replace(arrStr, ",", "", , , vbTextCompare)) Step 15
arrStr = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(arrStr, ",", "|", n)
Next n
arr = Split(arrStr, "|")
For n = 0 To UBound(arr)
If findT Is Nothing Then
'arr = Split(arrStr, "|")
Set findT = Evaluate(arr(n))
Set findT = Union(Evaluate(arr(n)), findT)
End If
Next n
Debug.Print findT.Cells.Count
'Evaluate Column U for "Yes" and create range findU
Set ColU = Sheet1.Range("U" & j + 1 & ":U" & WorksheetFunction.Min(j + k, LastRow))
arr = Evaluate("Transpose(IF((" & ColU.Address & "=" & """YES""" & ")," & _
"""A""" & "& ROW(" & ColU.Address & ") &" & _
""":U""" & "& ROW(" & ColU.Address & "),""0""))")
arrStr = Replace(Join(arr, ","), ",0", "")
If Left(arrStr, 2) = "0," Then
arrStr = Right(arrStr, Len(arrStr) - 2)
End If
For n = 15 To Len(arrStr) - Len(Replace(arrStr, ",", "", , , vbTextCompare)) Step 15
arrStr = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(arrStr, ",", "|")
Next n
arr = Split(arrStr, "|")
For n = 0 To UBound(arr)
If findU Is Nothing Then
'arr = Split(arrStr, "|")
Set findU = Evaluate(arr(n))
Set findU = Union(Evaluate(arr(n)), findU)
End If
Next n
Debug.Print findU.Cells.Count
Next j
findT.Copy Sheet2.Range("A" & Sheet2.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
findU.Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & Sheet3.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
Debug.Print "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds"
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 54807
) removing the previous contents.Option Explicit
Sub CopyData()
Const sFirst As String = "A3"
Dim sCols As Variant: sCols = Array(20, 21)
Dim sCriteria As Variant: sCriteria = Array("Yes", "Yes")
Dim dFirst As Variant: dFirst = Array("A3", "A3")
Dim AutoFitColumns As Variant: AutoFitColumns = Array(True, True)
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = Sheet1
Dim dws As Variant: dws = Array(Sheet2, Sheet3)
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = RefRange(sws.Range(sFirst))
If srg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim dData As Variant
Dim n As Long
For n = LBound(dws) To UBound(dws)
dData = GetCriteriaRows(srg, sCriteria(n), sCols(n))
If Not IsEmpty(dData) Then
WriteData dData, dws(n).Range(dFirst(n)), AutoFitColumns(n)
End If
Next n
End Sub
' Creates a reference to the range from a given first cell (range)
' to the cell at the intersection of the last non-empty row
' and the last non-empty column.
Function RefRange( _
ByVal FirstCellRange As Range) _
As Range
If FirstCellRange Is Nothing Then Exit Function
With FirstCellRange.Cells(1)
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = .Resize(.Worksheet.Rows.Count - .Row + 1, _
.Worksheet.Columns.Count - .Column + 1)
Dim lCell As Range
Set lCell = rg.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious)
If lCell Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = lCell.Row
Set lCell = rg.Find("*", , , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
Set RefRange = .Resize(lRow - .Row + 1, lCell.Column - .Column + 1)
End With
End Function
' Returns a 2D one-based array containing the rows with matching criteria
' in a given column.
Function GetCriteriaRows( _
ByVal srg As Range, _
ByVal CriteriaString As String, _
Optional ByVal CriteriaColumn As Long = 1) _
As Variant
If srg Is Nothing Then Exit Function
If Len(CriteriaString) = 0 Then Exit Function
If CriteriaColumn < 0 Then Exit Function
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = Application.CountIf(srg, CriteriaString)
If drCount = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = srg.Rows.Count
Dim cCount As Long: cCount = srg.Columns.Count
If CriteriaColumn > cCount Then Exit Function
Dim sData As Variant
If srCount + cCount = 2 Then
ReDim sData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): sData(1, 1) = srg.Value
sData = srg.Value
End If
Dim dData As Variant: ReDim dData(1 To drCount, 1 To cCount)
Dim cValue As Variant
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long
For r = 1 To srCount
cValue = CStr(sData(r, CriteriaColumn))
If cValue = CriteriaString Then
n = n + 1
For c = 1 To cCount
dData(n, c) = sData(r, c)
Next c
End If
Next r
GetCriteriaRows = dData
End Function
' Writes the values from a 2D one-based array to a range.
Sub WriteData( _
ByVal Data As Variant, _
ByVal FirstCellRange As Range, _
Optional ByVal AutoFitColumns As Boolean = False)
If FirstCellRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(Data) Then Exit Sub
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = UBound(Data, 1)
Dim scCount As Long: scCount = UBound(Data, 2)
Dim DoesFit As Boolean
Dim DoesNotFitExactly As Boolean
With FirstCellRange.Cells(1)
If .Worksheet.Columns.Count - .Column + 1 >= scCount Then
Select Case .Worksheet.Rows.Count - .Row + 1
Case srCount
DoesFit = True
Case Is > srCount
DoesFit = True
DoesNotFitExactly = True
End Select
End If
If DoesFit Then
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = .Resize(srCount, scCount)
drg.Value = Data
If DoesNotFitExactly Then
drg.Resize(.Worksheet.Rows.Count - .Row - srCount + 1) _
End If
If AutoFitColumns Then
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
' Returns a 2D one-based array containing the values of a range
' (Not used because it is incorporated in 'GetCriteriaRows').
Function GetRange( _
ByVal rg As Range) _
As Variant
If rg Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim Data As Variant
If rg.Rows.Count + rg.Columns.Count = 2 Then
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = rg.Value
Data = rg.Value
End If
GetRange = Data
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2875
Because a direct autofilter is not an option, processing the array in memory should give you the fastest result as it minimises the interaction of VBA with the excel application. I believe the following should make your code significantly faster:
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition()
Dim dStart As Double: dStart = Timer
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim srcData As Variant
Dim sht2Data() As Variant
Dim sht2Rows As Long
Dim sht2CriteriaCol As Long: sht2CriteriaCol = 20 'T
Dim sht3Data() As Variant
Dim sht3Rows As Long
Dim sht3CriteriaCol As Long: sht3CriteriaCol = 21 'U
Dim outputCols As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
With Sheet1
srcData = .Range("A3:U" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Value
End With
outputCols = UBound(srcData, 2)
For i = LBound(srcData) To UBound(srcData)
If srcData(i, sht2CriteriaCol) = "Yes" Then
sht2Rows = sht2Rows + 1
ReDim Preserve sht2Data(1 To outputCols, 1 To sht2Rows)
For j = 1 To outputCols
sht2Data(j, sht2Rows) = srcData(i, j)
Next j
End If
If srcData(i, sht3CriteriaCol) = "Yes" Then
sht3Rows = sht3Rows + 1
ReDim Preserve sht3Data(1 To outputCols, 1 To sht3Rows)
For j = 1 To outputCols
sht3Data(j, sht3Rows) = srcData(i, j)
Next j
End If
Next i
If sht2Rows > 0 Then
Sheet2.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(sht2Rows, outputCols).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(sht2Data)
End If
If sht3Rows > 0 Then
Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(sht3Rows, outputCols).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(sht3Data)
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Time taken: " & Format(Timer - dStart, "0.000s")
End Sub
Another fast option is to add a dummy sheet (if possible), use autofilter then delete the dummy worksheet. This is very fast and the code is very simple:
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition2()
Dim dStart As Double: dStart = Timer
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheet1.Copy After:=Sheet1
With ActiveSheet
With .Range("A3:U" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:="Yes"
.Copy Destination:=Sheet2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=20
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=21, Criteria1:="Yes"
.Copy Destination:=Sheet3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox Format(Timer - dStart, "0.000")
End Sub
Edit: (following comment and file share)
Your worksheet is protected but without password. Therefore, you can actually do autfilter in place without having to add a new dummy sheet. Your autfilter becomes:
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition2()
Dim dStart As Double: dStart = Timer
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Check first if there's autfilter
If Sheet1.AutoFilterMode Then Sheet1.AutoFilter.ShowAllData
With Sheet2
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter.ShowAllData
.Rows("4:" & .Rows.Count).ClearContents
End With
With Sheet3
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilter.ShowAllData
.Rows("4:" & .Rows.Count).ClearContents
End With
'=========== Super Symmetry Code _ Auto Filter
With Sheet1
With .Range("A3:U" & .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:="Yes"
.Copy Destination:=Sheet2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=20
.Rows(1).Offset(-1, 0).AutoFilter Field:=21, Criteria1:="Yes"
.Copy Destination:=Sheet3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox Format(Timer - dStart, "0.000")
End Sub
Autofilter is your best friend here if and when your data grows.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 42236
Please, try the next code:
Sub Copy_Data_On_Condition()
Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, sh3 As Worksheet, LastRow As Long
Dim arr_column, rngT As Range, rngU As Range, i As Long, lastCol As Long
Set sh1 = Sheet1: Set sh2 = Sheet2: Set sh3 = Sheet3 'only to make the code more compact
LastRow = sh1.cells(rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).row 'last row in A:A column
lastCol = sh1.UsedRange.Columns.count 'last column of Sheet1, to avoid copying the whole row
arr_column = sh1.Range("T3:U" & LastRow).Value2 'put in an array the columns to be processed against "Yes" string
'process both columns in the same iteration to make code faster
For i = 1 To UBound(arr_column) 'iterate between the array rows and process the columns values
If arr_column(i, 1) = "Yes" Then 'finding a match in column T:T:
If rngT Is Nothing Then 'if the rngT keeping the range to be copied is not Set (yet)
Set rngT = sh1.Range(sh1.cells(i + 2, 1), sh1.cells(i + 2, lastCol)) 'the range is Set by the used range suitable row
Set rngT = Union(rngT, sh1.Range(sh1.cells(i + 2, 1), sh1.cells(i + 2, lastCol))) 'add the suitable row to the existing range
End If
End If
If arr_column(i, 2) = "Yes" Then 'finding a match in column U:U:
If rngU Is Nothing Then 'if the rngU keeping the range to be copied is not Set (yet)
Set rngU = sh1.Range(sh1.cells(i + 2, 1), sh1.cells(i + 2, lastCol)) 'the range is Set by the used range suitable row
Set rngU = Union(rngU, sh1.Range(sh1.cells(i + 2, 1), sh1.cells(i + 2, lastCol))) 'add the suitable row to the existing range
End If
End If
Next i
If Not rngT Is Nothing Then 'if rngT has been set (it contains at least a row), copy it in Sheet2
rngT.Copy Destination:=sh2.Range("A" & sh2.rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1) 'copy the range at once
End If
If Not rngU Is Nothing Then 'if rngU has been set (it contains at least a row), copy it in Sheet3
rngU.Copy Destination:=sh3.Range("A" & sh3.rows.count).End(xlUp).Offset(1) 'copy the range at once
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 4