Reputation: 19
This program is simply reading from a CSV and putting that into a DatagridView table. I am not sure what is causing the error shown below.
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in Minecraft Server Program.exe"
This error points to the line "newrow("Days_remaining") = columns(1)
Also, the CSV is formatted as such:
xX_EpicGamer_Xx,2,2/05/2021,9,6,Player was mean to others and stole lots of diamonds pewdiepie,3,2/05/2021,4,2,Player swore
Thank you for any help
Public Sub LoadCSVFile()
'If the Input file cannot be found, then give error message And exit this Subroutine.
If Not File.Exists(BansCSVFile) Then
MsgBox("Input CSV File of Item Prices not found: " & BansCSVFile)
Exit Sub
End If
'Set up streamreader and variables for reading through file
Dim srdCSV As New IO.StreamReader("bans.csv", System.Text.Encoding.Default)
Dim sline As String = ""
'Read through each line, separating with the comma and putting each entry into its respective column
sline = srdCSV.ReadLine
If sline Is Nothing Then Exit Do
Dim columns() As String = sline.Split(",")
Dim newrow As DataRow = datatable1.NewRow
newrow("Player") = columns(0)
newrow("Days_remaining") = columns(1)
newrow("Date_started") = columns(2)
newrow("Timespan") = columns(3)
newrow("Rule_broken") = columns(4)
newrow("Extra_info") = columns(5)
dgvBans.DataSource = datatable1
Me.Text = datatable1.Rows.Count & "rows"
End Sub
Edit: This new code fixed the issue.
Public Sub LoadCSVFile()
'If the Input file cannot be found, then give error message And exit this Subroutine.
If Not File.Exists(BansCSVFile) Then
MsgBox("Input CSV File of Item Prices not found: " & BansCSVFile)
Exit Sub
End If
'Set up streamreader and variables for reading through file
srdCSV = New IO.StreamReader("bans.csv")
Dim totalrec As Integer = 0
Do Until srdCSV.Peek = -1
'Read through each line, separating with the comma and putting each entry into its respective column
strInputFileLine = srdCSV.ReadLine()
'Split CSV lines where commas are
Dim RecordLineColumns() As String = strInputFileLine.Split(",")
'Create a new row in data table and place data into it from array
Dim newrow As DataRow = datatable1.NewRow
newrow("Player") = RecordLineColumns(0)
newrow("Days_remaining") = RecordLineColumns(1)
newrow("Date_started") = RecordLineColumns(2)
newrow("Timespan") = RecordLineColumns(3)
newrow("Rule_broken") = RecordLineColumns(4)
newrow("Extra_info") = RecordLineColumns(5)
totalrec = totalrec + 1
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error reading file")
Exit Sub
End Try
'Me.Text = datatable1.Rows.Count & "rows"
MsgBox("Total input records = " & totalrec)
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 95
Reputation: 15091
I am guessing that the Extra_Info
is not necessarily present for every record. I am checking for a length less 5 and exiting but if it has at least 5 we continue but only fill in the last field if the length is 6.
Public Sub LoadCSVFile(BansCSVFile As String)
Dim datatable1 As New DataTable
With datatable1.Columns
End With
If Not File.Exists(BansCSVFile) Then
MsgBox("Input CSV File of Item Prices not found: " & BansCSVFile)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(BansCSVFile)
For Each sline In lines
Dim columns() As String = sline.Split(","c)
If columns.Length < 5 Then
MessageBox.Show($"Incomplete data on line {sline}")
End If
Dim newrow As DataRow = datatable1.NewRow
newrow("Player") = columns(0)
newrow("Days_remaining") = columns(1)
newrow("Date_started") = columns(2)
newrow("Timespan") = columns(3)
newrow("Rule_broken") = columns(4)
If columns.Length = 6 Then
newrow("Extra_info") = columns(5)
End If
dgvBans.DataSource = datatable1
Me.Text = datatable1.Rows.Count & "rows"
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 211
using the Try/Catch syntax
After checking which column has a problem, try verifying the csv file.
Upvotes: 1