Reputation: 7428
I have quite a big app built with serverless and now we are trying out serverless-stack. I am trying to reference a user pool created by sst in serverless.yml function. Is it possible? Below are the steps I've tried:
I have created a user pool
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'
import * as cognito from '@aws-cdk/aws-cognito'
import * as sst from '@serverless-stack/resources'
export default class UserServiceStack extends sst.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: sst.StackProps = {}) {
super(scope, id, props)
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'userPool', {
signInAliases: {
email: true,
phone: true,
autoVerify: {
email: true,
phone: true,
passwordPolicy: {
minLength: 8,
requireDigits: false,
requireLowercase: false,
requireSymbols: false,
requireUppercase: false,
signInCaseSensitive: false,
selfSignUpEnabled: true,
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'UserPoolId', {
value: userPool.userPoolId,
const userPoolClient = new cognito.UserPoolClient(this, 'userPoolClient', {
authFlows: {
adminUserPassword: true,
userPassword: true,
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'UserPoolClientId', {
value: userPoolClient.userPoolClientId,
and want to update my post confirmation trigger defined in serverless.yml
handler: createUser.default
- cognitoUserPool:
pool: !ImportValue '${self:custom.sstApp}...' # what to put here?
trigger: PostConfirmation
existing: true
Upvotes: 1
Views: 949
Reputation: 7428
Figured it out. First How to use cdk output variables in serverless.yml.
Export them into a file
AWS_PROFILE=<profile-name> npx sst deploy --outputs-file ./exports.json
and in serverless.yml
you can reference it like so
handler: createUser.default
- cognitoUserPool:
pool: ${file(../../infrastructure/exports.json):${self:custom.sstApp}-UserServiceStack.userPoolName}
trigger: PostConfirmation
existing: true
Second. serverless is setup such that you have to pass userPoolName, not userPoolId. So I had to generate userpool name and output it
import * as uuid from 'uuid'
const userPoolName = uuid.v4()
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'userPool', {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'userPoolName', {
value: userPoolName,
Third to avoid AccessDeniedException when calling lambda as a trigger you need to add the following to your resources
- Resources:
Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission'
Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
Fn::GetAtt: [ "CreateUserLambdaFunction", "Arn"] # the name must be uppercased name of your lambda + LambdaFunction at the end
Principal: ""
SourceArn: ${file(../../infrastructure/exports.json):${self:custom.sstApp}-UserServiceStack.userPoolArn}
Upvotes: 0