Reputation: 2866
I have 2 TextFields: __ x2 __
I want to perform simple calculations: string1 x 2 = string2. I am using .onChange modifier, so if you type first number it is multiplied by 2 and result is printed in second TextField. You can go the other way around and type string2 and it will be divided by 2 and result will be printed in the first TextField.
Now because both TextFields have .onChange, it gets triggered few times (3 in this case). After changing string1, string2 gets updated. And as it changed, .onChange of string2 is triggered and later the same with .onChange of string1.
Please run this example code and check what gets printed in console:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var string1: String = ""
@State private var int1: Int = 0
@State private var string2: String = ""
@State private var int2: Int = 0
let multiplier: Int = 2
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string1)
.onChange(of: string1, perform: { value in
string1 = value
int1 = Int(string1) ?? 0
int2 = int1 * multiplier
string2 = "\(int2)"
print("int1: \(int1)")
HStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string2)
.onChange(of: string2, perform: { value in
string2 = value
int2 = Int(string2) ?? 0
int1 = int2 / multiplier
string1 = ("\(int1)")
print("int2: \(int2)")
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
How to make .onChange conditional so it runs only once? To be precise, I want to execute .onChange on first input ONLY when I edit first input. And execute .onChange on second input ONLY when I edit second input.
Probably it will be easy with .onFocus in iOS 15. But how to do it in iOS 14?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2151
Reputation: 2866
I've figured it out. I needed two variables, one per TextField: isFocused1, isFocused2. Each of them changes to true with onEditingChanged. And each onChange has if condition that checks if isFocused for this TextField is true.
Now onChange is triggered only if each TextField is being edited. I have added changing background colors to visualize focus changes.
Working code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var string1: String = ""
@State private var int1: Int = 0
@State private var string2: String = ""
@State private var int2: Int = 0
let multiplier: Int = 2
@State private var isFocused1 = false
@State private var isFocused2 = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string1, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in
isFocused1 = changed
.onChange(of: string1, perform: { value in
if isFocused1 {
int1 = Int(string1) ?? 0
int2 = int1 * multiplier
string2 = "\(int2)"
print("int1: \(int1)")
.background(isFocused1 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray)
HStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string2, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in
isFocused2 = changed
.onChange(of: string2, perform: { value in
if isFocused2 {
int2 = Int(string2) ?? 0
int1 = int2 / multiplier
string1 = ("\(int1)")
print("int2: \(int2)")
.background(isFocused2 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
After feedback from @JoakimDanielson I've made a version with enum instead of 2 separate variables:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
enum Focus {
case input1
case input2
@State private var isFocused: Focus?
@State private var string1: String = ""
@State private var int1: Int = 0
@State private var string2: String = ""
@State private var int2: Int = 0
let multiplier: Int = 2
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string1, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in
if changed {
isFocused = Focus.input1
.onChange(of: string1, perform: { value in
if isFocused == .input1 {
int1 = Int(string1) ?? 0
int2 = int1 * multiplier
string2 = "\(int2)"
print("int1: \(int1)")
.background(isFocused == .input1 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray)
HStack {
HStack {
TextField("0", text: $string2, onEditingChanged: { (changed) in
if changed {
isFocused = Focus.input2
.onChange(of: string2, perform: { value in
if isFocused == .input2 {
int2 = Int(string2) ?? 0
int1 = int2 / multiplier
string1 = ("\(int1)")
print("int2: \(int2)")
.background(isFocused == .input2 ? Color.yellow : Color.gray)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Upvotes: 1