Reputation: 167
I am trying to add support for the less file to my next js project with the antd design but getting cannot set property 'styles' of undefined. I want to customize the antd theme but that error is a blocker for me anyone have any idea please help me to solve this problem
// next.config.js file
const lessToJs = require('less-vars-to-js');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const withLess = require("@zeit/next-less");
const withCSS = require("@zeit/next-css");
const themeVariable = lessToJs(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './styles/antd-custom.less'), 'utf8'));
const nextConfig = {}
module.exports = withPlugins(
lessLoaderOptions: {
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: themeVariable,
webpack: (config, {isServer}) => {
if (isServer) {
const antStyles = /antd\/.*?\/style.*?/;
const origExternals = [...config.externals];
config.externals = [
(context, request, callback) => {
if (request.match(antStyles)) return callback();
if (typeof origExternals[0] === "function") {
origExternals[0](context, request, callback);
} else {
...(typeof origExternals[0] === "function" ? [] : origExternals),
test: antStyles,
use: "null-loader",
// config.resolve.alias["relay"] = path.join(
// __dirname,
// "__generated__",
// "relay"
// );
return config;
//antd-custom.less file
@import "./variables.less";
@primary-color: @green-6;
@processing-color: @green-6;
@font-family: Inter, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen,
Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;
@link-hover-decoration: underline;
@input-hover-border-color: @green-6;
@border-radius-base: 5px;
@label-color: @gray-6;
@table-header-bg: @gray-2;
@table-header-color: @gray-6;
@menu-item-active-bg: @gray-1;
@menu-item-color: @gray-6;
@tooltip-bg: @gray-10;
// Input
@input-border-color: @gray-4;
@input-placeholder-color: @gray-6;
Upvotes: 7
Views: 16175
Reputation: 708
You can use this zero dependency module to customize your antdesign theme in next.js project-
🎉 Features
🌊 Compatibility
To learn more on how to configure the webpack in next.config.js
file check this article-
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2544
I have a similar problem. I can solve with the following steps.
// next.config.js
module.exports = withPlugins([...], {
webpack5: false,
yarn add --dev webpack@webpack-4 less less-loader@5
Upvotes: 8