Reputation: 402
Dear jax experts I need your kind help.
Here is a working example (I have follow the advise to simplify my code, although I am not an expert on jax neither on Python to guess what is the heart of the mechanism involved in vmap)
def jax_kernel(rng_key, logpdf, position, log_prob):
key, subkey = jax.random.split(rng_key)
move_proposals = jax.random.normal(key, shape=position.shape)* 0.1
proposal = position + move_proposals
proposal_log_prob = logpdf(proposal)
return proposal, proposal_log_prob
def jax_sampler(rng_key, n_samples, logpdf, initial_position):
def mh_update(i, state):
key, positions, log_prob = state
_, key = jax.random.split(key)
print(f"mh_update: positions[{i-1}]:",jnp.asarray(positions[i-1]))
new_position, new_log_prob = jax_kernel(key,logpdf,positions[i-1],log_prob)[i].set(new_position)
return (key, positions, new_log_prob)
# all positions structure should be set before lax.fori_loop
print("initial_position shape:",initial_position.shape)
all_positions = jnp.zeros((n_samples,)+initial_position.shape)[0,0].set(1.)[0,1].set(2.)[0,2].set(2.)
print("all_positions init:",all_positions.shape)
logp = logpdf(all_positions[0])
# use of a for-loop to be able to debug mh_update instead of a jax.fori_loop
initial_state = (rng_key,all_positions, logp)
val = initial_state
for i in range(1, n_samples):
val = mh_update(i, val)
rng_key, all_positions, log_prob = val
# return all the positions of the parameters (n_chains, n_samples, n_dim)
return all_positions
def func(par):
xi = jnp.asarray(sci_stats.uniform.rvs(size=10))
val = xi*par[1]+par[0]
return jnp.sum(jax.scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x=val,loc=yi,scale=par[2]))
n_dim = 3 # number of parameters ie. (a,b,s)
n_samples = 5 # number of samples per chain
n_chains = 4 # number of MCMC chains
rng_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
rng_keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, n_chains)
initial_position = jnp.ones((n_dim, n_chains))
print("main initial_position shape",initial_position.shape)
run = jax.vmap(jax_sampler, in_axes=(0, None, None, 1), out_axes=0)
all_positions = run(rng_keys,n_samples,lambda p: func(p),initial_position)
Then my question concerns the dimension evolution print(f"mh_update: positions[{i-1}]:",jnp.asarray(positions[i-1]))
. I do not understand why positions[i-1]
starts with dimension n_dim
and then switches to n_chains x n_dim
Thanks in advance for your comments?
Here is the complete output:
main initial_position shape (3, 4)
initial_position shape: (3,)
all_positions init: (5, 3)
mh_update: positions[0]: [1. 2. 2.]
mh_update: positions[1]: Traced<ShapedArray(float32[3])>with<BatchTrace(level=1/0)>
with val = DeviceArray([[0.9354116 , 1.7876872 , 1.8443539 ],
[0.9844745 , 2.073029 , 1.9511036 ],
[0.98202926, 2.0109322 , 2.094176 ],
[0.9536771 , 1.9731759 , 2.093319 ]], dtype=float32)
batch_dim = 0
mh_update: positions[2]: Traced<ShapedArray(float32[3])>with<BatchTrace(level=1/0)>
with val = DeviceArray([[1.0606856, 1.6707807, 1.8377957],
[1.0465866, 1.9754674, 1.7009288],
[1.1107644, 2.0142047, 2.190575 ],
[1.0089972, 1.9953227, 1.996874 ]], dtype=float32)
batch_dim = 0
mh_update: positions[3]: Traced<ShapedArray(float32[3])>with<BatchTrace(level=1/0)>
with val = DeviceArray([[1.0731456, 1.644405 , 2.1343162],
[1.0599504, 2.0121546, 1.6867112],
[1.0585173, 1.9661485, 2.1573594],
[1.1213307, 1.9335203, 1.9683584]], dtype=float32)
batch_dim = 0
all_positions: [[[1. 2. 2. ]
[0.9354116 1.7876872 1.8443539 ]
[1.0606856 1.6707807 1.8377957 ]
[1.0731456 1.644405 2.1343162 ]
[1.0921828 1.5742197 2.058759 ]]
[[1. 2. 2. ]
[0.9844745 2.073029 1.9511036 ]
[1.0465866 1.9754674 1.7009288 ]
[1.0599504 2.0121546 1.6867112 ]
[1.0835105 2.0051234 1.4766487 ]]
[[1. 2. 2. ]
[0.98202926 2.0109322 2.094176 ]
[1.1107644 2.0142047 2.190575 ]
[1.0585173 1.9661485 2.1573594 ]
[1.1728328 1.981367 2.180744 ]]
[[1. 2. 2. ]
[0.9536771 1.9731759 2.093319 ]
[1.0089972 1.9953227 1.996874 ]
[1.1213307 1.9335203 1.9683584 ]
[1.1148386 1.9598911 2.1721165 ]]]
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1607
Reputation: 86513
In the first iteration, you print a concrete array that you have constructed within a vmapped function. It is a float32
array of shape (3,)
After the first iteration, you've constructed a new array via operations on a vmapped input. When you vmap an input like this, JAX replaces your input array with a tracer that is an abstract representation of your input; the printed value looks like this:
with val = DeviceArray([[1.0731456, 1.644405 , 2.1343162],
[1.0599504, 2.0121546, 1.6867112],
[1.0585173, 1.9661485, 2.1573594],
[1.1213307, 1.9335203, 1.9683584]], dtype=float32)
The float32[3]
indicates that this tracer represents an array of float32 values of shape (3,)
: that is, it still has the same type and shape as in the first iteration. But in this case it is not a concrete array with three elements, it is a batched tracer representing each iteration of the vmapped input. The power of the vmap
transform is that JAX effectively tracks all implied iterations of the vmapped computation in one pass: in the tracer representation, the rows of val
effectively show you the intermediate values for all the vmapped iterations.
For more understanding of how JAX tracing works, a good read is How To Think In JAX in the JAX documentation.
Upvotes: 1