Reputation: 385
Jest is unable to find functions which are export default
but IS able to find export const
. I can go through and redefine how all of my functions are exported/imported, but I feel this is likely just a config issue but have been unable to find any solution on the docs or github issues to solve it.
Does anyone know of some jest config which can be used to resolve this?
GOOD file:
export const MyFunction = () => {..
import { MyFunction } from "src/MyFunction";
=> ● Pass
BAD file:
export default MyFunction = () => {..
import MyFunction from "src/MyFunction";
=> ● Test suite failed to run
ReferenceError: MyFunction is not defined
My jest.config.js
* For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit:
module.exports = {
// All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically
// automock: false,
// Automatically restore mock state between every test
restoreMocks: true,
// Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages
errorOnDeprecated: true,
// An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "src", "test/unit"],
// The test environment that will be used for testing
testEnvironment: "node",
// The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
testMatch: ["**/test/**/**/*.spec.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"],
transformIgnorePatterns: [
transform: {
"\\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/react-native/jest/preprocessor.js",
// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped
testPathIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/"],
reporters: ["default", "jest-junit"],
collectCoverage: true,
coverageReporters: ["lcov", "text-summary"],
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// Whether to use watchman for file crawling
watchman: true,
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["@testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect"],
preset: "jest-expo",
globals: {
__DEV__: true,
THEME: true,
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1553
Reputation: 385
Ok guys stupid one here, but the solution is to change the default export to:
export default () => {..
Ie drop the name in the export default function declaration. Hope this helps someone having this issue.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 119
export default MyFunction = () => {.. Change this to export default const MyFunction = () => {..
Upvotes: 1