Reputation: 564
I've got a workbook that is saying there are external links in the workbook. Break links isn't actually breaking the link(s), so I've been working to create a macro to search for external references and remove them.
I've got the below so far and it runs & I haven't found any links to remove, but the prompt is still popping up when I open the workbook in question.
Public Sub Full_External_Link_Removal()
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
Dim cs As Worksheet
Dim NR As Name
'Iterate through named ranges on the workbook
For Each NR In WB.Names
Named_Range_Ext_Link_Chk NR, ActiveSheet, WB
'Iterate through sheets
For Each cs In WB.Sheets
'Check the sheet's named ranges
For Each NR In cs.Names
Named_Range_Ext_Link_Chk NR, cs, WB
'Check the formulas
Sht_Formula_Check cs
'Check the hyperlinks
Sht_Hyperlinks_Check cs
'Check the objects/shapes
Sht_Shapes_Check cs
End Sub
'Check the provided Named Range definition for an external file reference
Public Function Contains_File_Link(Chk_Str As String) As Boolean
Dim ret As Boolean
ret = False
If InStr(1, Chk_Str, ".xl", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
ret = True
End If
Contains_File_Link = ret
End Function
'Handles cleaning up Named Ranges
Public Sub Named_Range_Ext_Link_Chk(NR As Name, WS As Worksheet, WB As Workbook)
Dim temp_1 As String
Dim temp_2 As String
'Make sure the temporary strings start empty
temp_1 = ""
temp_2 = ""
'Get the definition of the Named Range
temp_1 = NR.RefersTo
'Check if the name's definition is an external link
If Contains_File_Link(temp_1) Then
'Check how to handle that
If MsgBox("External link found in Named Range '" & NR.Name & "'. The range is defined as '" & temp_1 & "'. Should this range be deleted?", vbYesNo, _
"External Link in Named Range") = vbYes Then
'Update the named range if needed
temp_2 = Ext_Text_Update(temp_1, "named range", WS.Name)
'Apply the definition
NR.RefersTo = temp_2
End If 'else there's no external reference to clean up/delete, move to next range
End If
End Sub
'Routine to check all formulas on the given sheet for external links
Public Sub Sht_Formula_Check(WS As Worksheet)
Dim temp_1 As String
Dim temp_2 As String
Dim Trgt_Cells As Range
Dim TC As Range
Dim First_Address As String
'Make sure the Target cells is empty, and that the first_address value is empty
Set Trgt_Cells = Nothing
First_Address = ""
'Check the formulas
With WS.UsedRange
Set Trgt_Cells = .Find(what:="*.xl*", LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If (Not Trgt_Cells Is Nothing) Then
'Loop through the cells
Do While (Not Trgt_Cells Is Nothing) And First_Address <> Trgt_Cells.Address
'Capture the first address (if we haven't already) to avoid infinite looping
If First_Address = "" Then
First_Address = Trgt_Cells.Address
End If 'else we already have the first cell and no action needed
'Capture the current cell for reference
TC = WS.Range(Trgt_Cells.Address)
'Update the formula if needed
TC.Formula = Ext_Text_Update(TC.Formula, "cell formula", WS.Name)
'move to the next match
Set Trgt_Cells = .FindNext(Trgt_Cells)
End If 'else no formulas with external links found
End With
End Sub
'Routine to check all hyperlinks on the given sheet for external links
Public Sub Sht_Hyperlinks_Check(WS As Worksheet)
Dim hLink As Hyperlink
Dim temp_1 As String
Dim temp_2 As String
'Check the hyperlinks
For Each hLink In WS.Hyperlinks
'Update the path if needed
If hLink.Address <> "" Then
hLink.Address = Ext_Text_Update(hLink.Address, "hyperlink", WS.Name)
End If
If hLink.SubAddress <> "" Then
hLink.SubAddress = Ext_Text_Update(hLink.SubAddress, "hyperlink", WS.Name)
End If
End Sub
'Routine to check all shapes on the given sheet for external links
Public Sub Sht_Shapes_Check(WS As Worksheet)
Dim S As Shape
'Check the shapes
For Each S In WS.Shapes
'Update the name if needed
S.Name = Ext_Text_Update(S.Name, "shape name", WS.Name)
'Update the hyperlink
If HasHyperlink(S) Then
If S.Hyperlink.Address <> "" Then
S.Hyperlink.Address = Ext_Text_Update(S.Hyperlink.Address, "shape hyperlink path", WS.Name)
End If
If S.Hyperlink.SubAddress <> "" Then
S.Hyperlink.SubAddress = Ext_Text_Update(S.Hyperlink.SubAddress, "shape hyperlink path", WS.Name)
End If
End If
End Sub
'Generalized function to elicite and capture updates to formulas/paths/etc. that can't be automatically cleaned up
Public Function Ext_Text_Update(Orig_Str As String, Obj_Type As String, Src_Sht As String) As String
Dim temp_1 As String
Dim temp_2 As String
'Check if it has an external reference in the input string
If Contains_File_Link(Orig_Str) Then
temp_1 = Orig_Str
If MsgBox("Does the following " & LCase(Obj_Type) & " from " & Src_Sht & " need updated?" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & temp_1, vbYesNo, _
StrConv(Obj_Type, vbProperCase) & " Needing Updated?") = vbYes Then
Do While temp_2 = ""
temp_2 = InputBox("Update the " & LCase(Obj_Type) & " as needed", "External Link in " & StrConv(Obj_Type, vbProperCase), temp_1)
Select Case temp_2
Case "", " "
If MsgBox("Update to the " & LCase(Obj_Type) & " cancelled. Is the " & LCase(Obj_Type) & " actually fine as-is?", vbYesNo, _
"Cancel " & StrConv(Obj_Type, vbProperCase) & " Update") = vbNo Then
'Make sure we loop back to the input box
temp_2 = ""
'Set temp_2 to temp_1 to allow the in the calling sub to proceed normally
temp_2 = temp_1
End If
Case Else
If temp_2 = temp_1 Then
'No change made
MsgBox "No change made. Please update the " & LCase(Obj_Type) & " to remove the external link.", vbOKOnly, "Please Actually Change the " _
& StrConv(Obj_Type, vbProperCase)
temp_2 = ""
End If 'else take the value as is
End Select
End If
End If 'else there's nothing to update
'Make sure we always pass something back
If temp_2 = "" Then
temp_2 = Orig_Str
End If 'else it's populated and we're fine
Ext_Text_Update = temp_2
End Function
'Check if a hyperlink exists
Public Function HasHyperlink(shpTarget As Shape) As Boolean
Dim hLink As Hyperlink
Set hLink = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set hLink = shpTarget.Hyperlink
On Error GoTo 0
HasHyperlink = Not (hLink Is Nothing)
End Function
I'm not really sure where else to look, or if I'm missing links with the logic above how I could be. Any ideas to make the above checks more robust, or other places to look would be much appreciated.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3227
Reputation: 533
My go-to when I realize that the external links could be anywhere (even in conditional formats) is this findlink add-in:
Usually I do the normal searches and then start searching the internet until I remember that I have this installed. It has not failed me.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 128
To view all the links in your workbook you can use Workbook.LinkSources which holds the references.
if you are on windows there are 2 types of links :
Mac also got its specific type of links.
you use Workbook.BreakLink to remove the reference and turn it into a value
Option Explicit
'Use:the function takes 2 optional arguments , the workbook you want to remove or view its links and a True/false if you want to remove the links
'if no arguments are passed:it assumes the "thisworkbook" and false
Function FixLinks(Optional ByRef WB As Workbook, Optional ByVal RmvLnk As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim ExclLnks() As Variant, OLElnks As Variant 'Array to hold the links
Dim ArrBegin As Long, ArrEnd As Long, i As Long 'Array scope and iteration
Dim result As Boolean
If WB Is Nothing Then 'if you don't specify a workbook it assumes the current
Set WB = ThisWorkbook
End If
result = False
If Not IsEmpty(WB.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)) Then 'Checks if there's any linked workbook
ExclLnks = WB.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks) 'If so get an array of items
ArrBegin = LBound(ExclLnks)
ArrEnd = UBound(ExclLnks)
For i = ArrBegin To ArrEnd
If RmvLnk Then 'if you passed true Aka you want
WB.BreakLink ExclLnks(i), xlLinkTypeExcelLinks
Debug.Print ExclLnks(i)
End If
Next i
result = True 'links were found in WB
End If
If Not IsEmpty(WB.LinkSources(xlOLELinks)) Then 'Checks if there's any linked OLE object
OLElnks = WB.LinkSources(xlOLELinks)
ArrBegin = LBound(OLElnks)
ArrEnd = UBound(OLElnks)
For i = ArrBegin To ArrEnd
If RmvLnk Then
WB.BreakLink OLElnks(i), xlLinkTypeOLELinks
Debug.Print OLElnks(i)
End If
Next i
result = True 'links were found in WB
End If
End Function
Workbook.LinkSources method (Excel)
Workbook.BreakLink method (Excel)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 89
This post is ugly formatted (and in Spanish), but the code is quite useful. I've used it myself often: It lists all your external links (so you can manually fix them if you wish), and it also offers to you replace the broken ones with the latest known values, so you get rid of the annoying message for good.
(Note: not sure if I can just copy the code here, as it's not mine)
Upvotes: 1