Reputation: 10234
I'm trying to replicate behavior I'm used to in Rails inside of Ecto. In Rails, if I had Parent
and Child
models, and Child
belonged to Parent
, I could do this: Child.create(parent: parent)
. This would assign the parent_id
attribute of Child
to the parent
's ID.
Here's my minimal Ecto example:
defmodule Example.Parent do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "parent" do
has_many :children, Example.Child
def changeset(parent, attributes) do
parent |> cast(attributes, [])
defmodule Example.Child do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
schema "child" do
belongs_to :parent, Example.Parent
def changeset(child, attributes) do
|> cast(attributes, [:parent_id])
And here's an example of the behavior I want:
parent = %Example.Parent{id: Ecto.UUID.generate()}
changeset = Example.Child.changeset(%Example.Child{}, %{parent: parent})
# This should be the parent's ID!
I've tried several different approaches to get this to work in Ecto, and I keep coming up short.
|> cast(attributes, [:parent_id])
|> put_assoc(:parent, attributes.parent)
This doesn't seem to assign the association.
I tried casting the association directly:
|> cast(attributes, [:parent_id, :parent])
But this produces a RuntimeError
telling me to use cast_assoc/3
. This doesn't really seem to be what I want, but I tried it anyway.
|> cast(attributes, [:parent_id])
|> cast_assoc(:parent, with: &Example.Parent.changeset/2)
This produces an Ecto.CastError
Finally, I tried remove the :with
option from cast_assoc/3
|> cast(attributes, [:parent_id])
|> cast_assoc(:parent)
But I got the same error.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1283
Reputation: 11
A little issue with @LandonSchropp's solution is that the the name of the table field is hardcoded, and it won't work if the schema has a custom field name. Here's the version that corrects it:
@spec assign_assoc(Changeset.t, atom() | String.t, map(), list()) :: Changeset.t
def assign_assoc(changeset, name, attrs \\ %{}, opts \\ []) when is_map(attrs) and is_list(opts) do
{:assoc, %{owner_key: id_field, field: name_field}} =
Ecto.Changeset.assoc_constraint(changeset, name).types[name]
id_string = Atom.to_string(id_field)
name_str = Atom.to_string(name_field)
validate? = Keyword.get(opts, :required, false)
cond do
Map.has_key?(attrs, name_str) ->
put_assoc(changeset, name_field, attrs[name_str])
|> maybe_validate(validate?, id_field)
Map.has_key?(attrs, name_field) ->
put_assoc(changeset, name_field, attrs[name_field])
|> maybe_validate(validate?, id_field)
Map.has_key?(attrs, id_string) ->
put_change(changeset, id_field, attrs[id_string])
Map.has_key?(attrs, id_field) ->
put_change(changeset, id_field, attrs[id_field])
true ->
@doc """
Validates that the given association is present either in the changeset's
changes or its data.
def validate_required_assoc(changeset, name) do
# NOTE: The name value doesn't use `get_field` because that produces an
# error when the association isn't loaded.
id_value = get_field(changeset, :"#{name}_id")
name_value = get_change(changeset, name) || Map.get(, name)
has_id? = id_value != nil
has_value? = name_value != nil && Ecto.assoc_loaded?(name_value)
(has_id? or has_value?) && changeset || add_error(changeset, name, "is required")
defp maybe_validate(changeset, true, name), do: validate_required_assoc(changeset, name)
defp maybe_validate(changeset, _, _), do: changeset
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10234
This doesn't seem to be possible with the built-in Ecto functions. In order to enable it, I wrote my own:
defmodule Example.Schema do
@moduledoc """
This module contains schema helpers which can be mixed into any schema. In addition, it also
automatically sets the ID type to a UUID, and uses and imports the standard Ecto modules.
defmacro __using__(_options) do
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@doc """
Allows an association to be assigned to a changeset from the changeset's data with minimal fuss.
You can either assign the association's ID attribute, or assign the association struct directly.
def assign_assoc(changeset, attributes = %{}, name) do
name_string = to_string(name)
name_atom = String.to_existing_atom(name_string)
id_string = "#{name_string}_id"
id_atom = String.to_existing_atom(id_string)
cond do
Map.has_key?(attributes, name_string) ->
put_assoc(changeset, name_atom, attributes[name_string])
Map.has_key?(attributes, name_atom) ->
put_assoc(changeset, name_atom, attributes[name_atom])
Map.has_key?(attributes, id_string) ->
put_change(changeset, id_atom, attributes[id_string])
Map.has_key?(attributes, id_atom) ->
put_change(changeset, id_atom, attributes[id_atom])
true ->
@doc """
Validates that the given association is present either in the changeset's changes or its data.
def validate_assoc_required(changeset, name) do
# NOTE: The name value doesn't use `get_field` because that produces an error when the
# association isn't loaded.
id_value = get_field(changeset, :"#{name}_id")
name_value = get_change(changeset, name) || Map.get(, name)
has_id? = id_value != nil
has_value? = name_value != nil && Ecto.assoc_loaded?(name_value)
unless has_id? || has_value? do
add_error(changeset, name, "is required")
These two functions make it really easy to add belongs_to
associations to a changeset.
def changeset(child, attributes) do
|> cast(attributes, [])
|> assign_assoc(attributes, :parent)
|> validate_assoc_required(:parent)
This approach lets you assign associations however you’d like. Both forms work with Repo.insert
Example.Child.changeset(%Example.Child{}, %{parent: parent})
Example.Child.changeset(%Example.Child{}, %{parent_id:})
Example.Child.changeset(%Example.Child{parent: parent}, %{parent: nil})
Example.Child.changeset(%Example.Child{parent_id: parent_id}, %{parent_id: nil})
Upvotes: 1