Reputation: 33
Here is the script of a checkbox and an entry box in a dialog. I am wondering how to disable the entry while the checkbox is not selected.
class TestUI : UIFrame {
number true, false
TestUI(object self) {
true = 1;
false = 0;
result("[TestUI] constructed\n")
~TestUI(object self) {
result("[TestUI] destructed\n")
void CreateDialog(object self) {
TagGroup dialog = DLGCreateDialog("Test")
TagGroup cb = DLGCreateCheckbox("IsCheck",false).DLGAnchor("West")
TagGroup parameter
TagGroup entry = DLGCreateRealField("Parameter : ",parameter,5,8,1)
Thanks in advance.
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Views: 74
Reputation: 33
After reviewing the manual, I found the solution. The entry can be enabled/disable by adding a function and using "SetElementIsEnabled" to enable/disable the function while the checkbox is changing.
Initially, the entry is disabled by "DLGEnabled".
Here is the script:
class TestUI : UIFrame {
number true, false
TagGroup para1, para2
TestUI(object self) {
true = 1;
false = 0;
result("[TestUI] constructed\n")
~TestUI(object self) {
result("[TestUI] destructed\n")
void SelectionAct(object self, TagGroup tgItem) {
// To change the status while the checkbox is changing.
void BtnResponse(object self) {
result("Parameter 1 : "+para1.DLGGetValue()+"\n")
result("Parameter 2 : "+para2.DLGGetValue()+"\n")
void CreateDialog(object self) {
// the box is not selected when initiation
// To enable/disable the entry by building "SelectionAct" function
TagGroup cb = DLGCreateCheckbox("IsCheck",false,"SelectionAct").DLGAnchor("West")
TagGroup entry1 = DLGCreateRealField("Parameter 1 : ",para1,5,5,3)
TagGroup entry2 = DLGCreateRealField("Parameter 2 : ",para2,6,5,3)
// print the value
TagGroup Btn = DLGCreatePushButton("Print","BtnResponse").DLGFill("X").DLGIdentifier("btn")
// Group the entries and button, we can change their status with ease.
TagGroup EntryGroup = DLGGroupItems(entry1,entry2).DLGTableLayout(2,1,0).DLGIdentifier("entries")
TagGroup BtnGroup = DLGGroupItems(EntryGroup,Btn).DLGTableLayout(1,2,0).DLGIdentifier("BtnGroup")
// disable the entries and btn when initiation
// create dialog
TagGroup dialog = DLGCreateDialog("Test")
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