
Reputation: 369

How to import Symmetric key to thales HSM?

As title, how to import Symmetric key(Triple DES key) to thales HSM?

Just like aws HSM, it can use imSymKey command.

Please provide me code and example, thanks a lot.

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Views: 2062

Answers (1)


Reputation: 369

  1. Install Java to connect to HSM.

1.1 Copy the SafeNet Java library and jar files from their default location under /opt/safenet/lunaclient/jsp/lib to the Java environment directory, for example /opt/jre/lib/ext.

1.2 Edit the file located in the /jre/lib/security directory of your Java SDK/JRE installation to read as follows:



  1. run code, change desKey to your secret key and get HsmManager from reference.
    public class KeyWrappingExample {
    // Alias used to store the the KEK (Key Encryption Key) on the HSM
    private static final String KEK_ALIAS = "KEK_AES_TEST";
    //  OpenJDK handles AES 256 just fine, but I had to lower this to 128 for
    //  Oracle's off-the-shelf JDK which has strong crypto disabled.
    private static int KEK_NUM_KEY_BITS = 128;
    //  AES has a block size of 128 bits or 16 bytes.  Used easy HEX values so you can plug them
    //  into a website like to verify encrypted values.
    private static final byte[] FIXED_128BIT_IV_FOR_TESTS =
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final String hostKeyType = "DESede";
        SecretKey kek = createNewHsmKek();
        out.println("HSM KEK ID (a handle, not in clear):\n\t" + getHex(kek.getEncoded()));
        SecretKey des3Key = createSoftwareKey(hostKeyType);
        out.println("Software-Only 3DES Key (in the clear):\n\t" + getHex(des3Key.getEncoded()));
        byte[] wrappedHostKey = wrapKeyWithKek(kek, des3Key);
        out.println("KEK wrapped 3DES key (host key):\n\t" + getHex(wrappedHostKey));
        out.println("\nStopping and starting session with HSM.");
        out.println("Pretend that the host key was stored and restored from a database while disconnected\n");
        kek = null;
        des3Key = null;
        kek = getExistingHsmKek();
        SecretKey unwrapped3DesKey = unwrapKeyWithKek(kek, hostKeyType, wrappedHostKey);
        out.println("Unwrapped 3DES key is same as original (in clear):\n\t" + getHex(unwrapped3DesKey.getEncoded()));
        out.println("Class of unwrapped key: " + unwrapped3DesKey.getClass().getCanonicalName());
        //  Give an example using using the unwrapped LunaSecretKey in both a software
        //  cipher operation and an HSM cipher operation.  If the LunaSecretKey was
        //  protected in hardware, the SunJCE operation with it would fail.
        String plainText = "12345678";
        byte[] plainTextBytes = plainText.getBytes();
        out.println("Original plaintext:\n\t" + plainText);
        //  Start software cipher operation CKM_DES3_ECB
        Cipher sunJceCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding", "LunaProvider");
        sunJceCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, unwrapped3DesKey);
        byte[] cipherText = sunJceCipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes());
        out.println("SunJCE encryption result:\n\t" + getHex(cipherText));
        //  Start Luna HSM cipher operation
        Cipher lunaHsmCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding", "LunaProvider");
        lunaHsmCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, unwrapped3DesKey);
        byte[] originalClearText = lunaHsmCipher.doFinal(cipherText);
        out.println("LunaProvider HSM decrypt result:\n\t" + new String(originalClearText));
    //  KEK is generated on HSM.  We never know its value, just it's alias to
    //  access it.
    private static SecretKey createNewHsmKek()  throws GeneralSecurityException {
        if (HsmManager.hasSavedKey(KEK_ALIAS)) {
             return (SecretKey) HsmManager.getSavedKey(KEK_ALIAS);
        KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES", "LunaProvider");
        LunaSecretKey kek = (LunaSecretKey) kg.generateKey();
        //  Since our KEK will only be used for wrap and unwrap operations, we should
        //  disable encryption and decryption operations.
        //  Note:  In theory, the commented out lines below will work on Luna SA
        //         firmwares 5.2 and above, but on our AWS CloudHSM firmware disabling
        //         encrypt and decrypt functionality will disable Cipher.WRAP_MODE
        //         and Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE respectively.  This is makes sense.
        //         If the unwrapped keys are not stored and protected on the HSM,
        //         wrapping and unwrapping operations *are* providing somewhat general
        //         encrypt and decrypt functionality.
        //LunaTokenObject obj = LunaTokenObject.LocateObjectByHandle(kek.GetKeyHandle());
        //obj.SetBooleanAttribute(LunaAPI.CKA_ENCRYPT, false);
        //obj.SetBooleanAttribute(LunaAPI.CKA_DECRYPT, false);
        HsmManager.saveKey(KEK_ALIAS, kek);
        return kek;
    private static SecretKey getExistingHsmKek() throws GeneralSecurityException {
        // casting KEY -> SecretKey
        return (SecretKey) HsmManager.getSavedKey(KEK_ALIAS);
    //  Create software-only (not stored on HSM) key
    private static SecretKey createSoftwareKey(String keyType) throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        // SunJCE would be used by default when running openjdk 1.7, but I decided
        // to be explicit to ensure we are generating a key in software for this
        // example.
        String desKey = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; // user value (24 bytes)  
        byte[] keyBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(desKey);
        SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede");
        SecretKey key = factory.generateSecret(new DESedeKeySpec(keyBytes));
        return key;
//        KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(keyType, "SunJCE");
//        generator.init(new SecureRandom());
//        return generator.generateKey();
    // Wrap the passed in key with the KEK on the HSM
    private static byte[] wrapKeyWithKek(SecretKey hsmKek, SecretKey softwareKey) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        Cipher wrappingCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "LunaProvider");
        AlgorithmParameters algParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("IV", "LunaProvider");
        algParams.init(new IvParameterSpec(FIXED_128BIT_IV_FOR_TESTS));
        wrappingCipher.init(Cipher.WRAP_MODE, hsmKek, algParams);
        return  wrappingCipher.wrap(softwareKey);
    //  Unwrap the passed in key with the KEK on the HSM
    private static SecretKey unwrapKeyWithKek(SecretKey hsmKey, String keyAlgorithm, byte[] wrappedKeyBytes) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        Cipher wrappingCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "LunaProvider");
        AlgorithmParameters algParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("IV", "LunaProvider");
        algParams.init(new IvParameterSpec(FIXED_128BIT_IV_FOR_TESTS));
        wrappingCipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, hsmKey, algParams);
        return  (SecretKey) wrappingCipher.unwrap(wrappedKeyBytes, keyAlgorithm, Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
    private static String getHex(byte array[]) {
        return "0x" + LunaUtils.getHexString(array, false).toUpperCase();


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