
Reputation: 765

Why does the Null check operator used on a null value trigger here?

Hey I have trouble with the Null check operator used on a null value error. In general I nearly have no problems with this, just in one case.

So I have a site where you can chose between two options & this works always, but in this one case not


Because of that I thought that I have flaws in my Dataset, so that a value just isnt defined. I checked & it seemed correct:

Here I coppied in a part of the flawed data:

                      "title":"105 PS",
                            "difference":"Hubraum 1422 cm³",
                            "title":"1.4 TDI DPF BlueMotion Technology",
                            "wholeText ":"Ölverlust\n\nBremse\n\nBatterie(2009-2013)\n\nSteuerkette(2009 - 2011)\n\nZündspule(2009 - 2010)\n\nZündkerze(2009 - 2013)\n\nScheinwerfer(2010)"
                            "difference ":"Hubraum 1598 cm³",
                            "title ":"1.6 TDI(DPF)",
                            "wholeText ":"Ölverlust\n\nBremse\n\nBatterie(2009-2013)\n\nSteuerkette(2009 - 2011)\n\nZündspule(2009 - 2010)\n\nZündkerze(2009 - 2013)\n\nScheinwerfer(2010)"

& here is data that works perfectly fine, I compared them & didnt really notice any differences in the syntax

                      "title":"150 PS",
                            "difference":"Sportwagen, Crosswagon",
                            "title":"1.9 16V JTD M-Jet",
                            "wholeText":"abbrechende Drallklappen können zu Turbo- oder Motorschaden führen\n\nDefekte Ölpumpen\n\nDefekte Lichtmaschinen\n\nverschlissene Zweimassenschwungräder\n\nVerrußte und hängende Abgasrückführungsventile\n\nAusfall Bremsservo\n\nUndichte Wasserkühler auf der Innenseite\n\ngerissene Keilrippenriemen\n\ndefekte Anlasser"
                            "title":"2.4 10V JTD",
                            "wholeText":"Verrußte und hängende Abgasrückführungsventile\n\nAusfall Bremsservo\n\nUndichte Wasserkühler auf der Innenseite\n\ngerissene Keilrippenriemen\n\ndefekte Anlasser\n\nBeschädigungen der Ölwanne"


So lastly I thought that my code has some flaws (this is my listview builder):

          itemCount: this.leistungData!.unterscheidungsData!.length,
          itemBuilder: (context, index) => GestureDetector(
            onTap: () {
                  MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AutoProbleme(
                    variantData: variantData,
                    unterscheidungsData: leistungData!.unterscheidungsData![index],
                    modell: modell,
                    modelData: modelData,
            child: Container(
              margin: EdgeInsets.all(10),
              height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.05,
              width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.9,
              child: Align(
                child: Text(
                  textScaleFactor: 1.4,
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  color: Colors.white,
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16)),

& I have to say that I didnt find anything that would justify this behaviour. For me the data looks fine & it works nearly always, but nevertheless I get this error. Do you have any ideas what the problem could be?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 184

Answers (2)

Stewie Griffin
Stewie Griffin

Reputation: 5638

You should make sure that all expressions with a nullable type aren't null if you are using the null assertion operator !.

The null assertion operator (!)

If you’re sure that an expression with a nullable type isn’t null, you can use a null assertion operator (!) to make Dart treat it as non-nullable. By adding ! just after the expression, you tell Dart that the value won’t be null, and that it’s safe to assign it to a non-nullable variable.

Pay attention to the following lines from the docs:

If you’re wrong, Dart throws an exception at run-time. This makes the ! operator unsafe, so don’t use it unless you’re very sure that the expression isn’t null.

bad ❌

int? number;

print(number! > 0);

good ✅

int? number;

if(number != null) {
   print(number > 0);

I would recommend that you check whether leistungData is null and show a loading state using CircularProgressIndicator in case it is null:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  if (leistungData == null || leistungData?.unterscheidungsData == null) {
    return CircularProgressIndicator();

  return ListView.builder(
    itemCount: leistungData!.unterscheidungsData!.length,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) => GestureDetector(
      onTap: () {
            builder: (context) => AutoProbleme(
              variantData: variantData,
              unterscheidungsData: leistungData!.unterscheidungsData![index],
              modell: modell,
              modelData: modelData,
      child: Container(
        margin: EdgeInsets.all(10),
        height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.05,
        width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.9,
        child: Align(
          child: Text(
            leistungData!.unterscheidungsData![index]?.difference ?? '',
            textScaleFactor: 1.4,
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
          color: Colors.white,
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16),

Upvotes: 3

Jitesh Mohite
Jitesh Mohite

Reputation: 34250

This error comes when non-null operator is used on a null value

int? data;

void main() {

The above code will give an error if the data value is not assigned.


?. operator used to check null values, and ?? is used to provide default values if the given value is null

 int? data;
    void main() {
      print(data?.value ?? "Default Value"); 

Upvotes: 2

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