Reputation: 21
I'm trying to reconstruct the trajectory of a camera by extracting the features from images and computing the camera pose, however the trajectory is not as I expected. For my visual odometry system I am using an Intel camera D435i which extracts color and depth frames. My code is written with python and all the important functions used are from the OpenCV library.
I am using a dataset where the camera just moves straightforward and therefore I expect the rotation to be the identity matrix and the translation to go forward. However, this isn't why I get when I compute them.
This is my approach:
Normalization: x_y_norm = (K^-1) * [u1p ,v1p, 1] Scaling: x_y_norm_s *= x_y_norm
Afterwards I try two methods: PNP and essential matrix
A) PNP: 4. Use the function cv2.solvePNPRansac() to get the rotation vector and the translation vector. The inputs of the function are the normalized and scaled keypoints of the frame t (object points) and the normalized keypoints of the frame t+1 (image points). The rotation matrix is then computed with the function cv2.Rodrigues()
B) Essential matrix: 4. Use cv2.findEssentialMat() with the normalized x-y-coordinates of the keypoints as input. Check if the essential matrix is computed correctly by checking the singular values. Use cv2.recoverPose() to get the rotation and translation (Here I also used the normalized x-y-coordinates as input).
camera_pose[t+1] = pose[t] * pose[t+1]^-1 (Get pose from initial position by multiplying previous and current pose as stated in Combining relative camera rotations & translations with known pose )
position = pose[t+1] * [0,0,0,1] (Position calculated from the origin)
trajectory[:,t+1] = position[0:3]
I hope someone can help me since I don't know where my error is and neither the PnP method nor essential matrix method work.
Edit: For both methods I added a picture of the trajectory (in the Z-X and the X-Y plane) that I get from the first 15 frames of my dataset and an extract of a text file containing the rotation matrix and the translation vector of some frames. The Z-X-Plane should show dots forming a line in positive direction, since my dataset just shows images where the camera moves straightforward, however a random trajectory is shown. The green dots are old camera poses and the red dot the current one. I also added an example of the features extracted in the first frame and matched with the second frame, they seem too be alright.
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