Reputation: 97
Yesterday I edited the code from: Microsoft Azure Face API Quickstart that I can recognize people in local images.
I got a Bad Request exeption when I did train a group with multiple image and I got an Bad Request before checking the image
Dictionary<string, string[]> personDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string[]>
{ "Jonas", new[] {"jonasTrain2.jpg"}},
{"Thomas", new [] {"thomasTrain1.jpg"}}
string sourceImageFilePath = @"C:\Users\jonas\Desktop\FAces\Test\jonasTest1.jpg";
Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel: recognitionModel);
foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
await Task.Delay(250);
Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId: personGroupId, name: groupedFace);
Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'");
foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person ({groupedFace}) from image `{similarImage}`");
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(TRAIN_PATH + @"\" + similarImage);
PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromStreamAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
fs, similarImage);
This is the first code sample with the training Bad Exeption this code works but when I do multiple images the it don't works.
List<Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List<Guid>();
List<DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, sourceImageFilePath, recognitionModel);
foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces) sourceFaceIds.Add(detectedFace.FaceId.Value);
var idntifyResuluts = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);
foreach (var identifyResult in idntifyResuluts)
Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);
Console.WriteLine($"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for face in: {Path.GetFileName(sourceImageFilePath)} - {identifyResult.FaceId}," +
$" confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}");
catch (Exception)
This is the second code sample I get the exeption in this line:
var idntifyResuluts = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);
Do someone know a solution? You can find the hole code on github
I fixed the the first exeption with the muliple image. The image was to big.
The Exeption
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1049
Reputation: 16689
I wasn't able to replicate the original issue, but it's important to recognise that the API returns rich information embedded within the body of the response. The following try-catch block demonstrates how to parse the exception:
await DetectFaceRecognize(client, Path.Join(TRAIN_PATH, "jack.jpg"), RECOGNITION_MODEL4);
await IdentifyPersonGroup(client, RECOGNITION_MODEL4);
catch(Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models.APIErrorException appX)
catch (Exception ex)
When I ran this with invalid parameters, it trapped the following message:
Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
Only face attributes 'headpose,mask' are supported by detection_03.
You mentioned that you identified the issue was file size, the embedded error message would have included this information.
After running through the code posted on GitHub, I could not replicate the error conditions with my own local images, which indicates that is probably where it issue lies, the code itself is a simple demonstration of the API usage.
After using the MS stock images, I received the following output for a family of 4:
Person 'dad' is identified for face in: family.jpg - 2f4a8d5b-416e-4985-9c94-cd2ae07dce91, confidence: 0.96725
Person 'mum' is identified for face in: family.jpg - 11ccd00a-a1af-4dfb-a803-359b6bd1df8e, confidence: 0.96921
Person 'daughter' is identified for face in: family.jpg - 62e6d513-4f8a-4634-a1d1-8dfd68b45c8c, confidence: 0.90712
Person 'son' is identified for face in: family.jpg - 078abaae-501d-496c-85b9-3a6dc26d1a41, confidence: 0.92886
For possible issues, make sure your images conform to the operation requirements listed here:
1-to-many identification to find the closest matches of the specific query person face from a person group or large person group.
For each face in the faceIds array, Face Identify will compute similarities between the query face and all the faces in the person group (given by personGroupId) or large person group (given by largePersonGroupId), and return candidate person(s) for that face ranked by similarity confidence. The person group/large person group should be trained to make it ready for identification. See more in PersonGroup - Train and LargePersonGroup - Train.
Error Code | Error Message Description |
BadArgument | Invalid request body. |
BadArgument | The argument maxNumOfCandidatesReturned is not valid. Range is [1,5] |
BadArgument | The argument confidenceThreshold is not valid. Range is [0, 1] |
BadArgument | Face ID is invalid. |
BadArgument | Person group ID is invalid. Valid format should be a string composed by numbers, English letters in lower case, '-', '_', and no longer than 64 characters. |
BadArgument | Large person group ID is invalid. Valid format should be a string composed by numbers, English letters in lower case, '-', '_', and no longer than 64 characters. |
BadArgument | 'recognitionModel' is incompatible. |
PersonGroupIdAndLargePersonGroupIdBothNotNull Large person group ID and person group ID are both not null. | |
PersonGroupIdAndLargePersonGroupIdBothNull Large person group ID and person group ID are both null. | |
PersonGroupNotFound | Person group is not found. |
LargePersonGroupNotFound | Large person group is not found. |
FaceNotFound | Face is not found. |
PersonGroupNotTrained | Person group not trained. |
LargePersonGroupNotTrained | Large person group not trained. |
PersonGroupTrainingNotFinished | Person group is under training. |
LargePersonGroupTrainingNotFinished | Large person group is under training. |
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 97
I found a solution for all my problems. I can use verify instade of identify it's a little bit more code but easyer
public static async Task Verify(IFaceClient client, string recognitonModel)
List<string> targetImageFileNames = new List<string> { "jonasTrain5.jpg" };
string sourceImageFileName1 = "identification1.jpg";
List<Guid> targetFaceIds = new List<Guid>();
foreach (var imageFileName in targetImageFileNames)
List<DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, trainingPath + imageFileName, recognitonModel);
List<DetectedFace> detectedFaces1 = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, testingPath + sourceImageFileName1, recognitonModel);
Guid sourceFaceId1 = detectedFaces1[0].FaceId.Value;
foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces1)
VerifyResult verifyResult1 = await client.Face.VerifyFaceToFaceAsync((Guid)detectedFace.FaceId, targetFaceIds[0]);
? $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName1} & {targetImageFileNames[0]} are of the same (Positive) person, similarity confidence: {verifyResult1.Confidence}."
: $"Faces from {sourceImageFileName1} & {targetImageFileNames[0]} are of different (Negative) persons, similarity confidence: {verifyResult1.Confidence}.");
Upvotes: 0