Reputation: 21
I am trying to connect Streaming Json files from the streaming path using the below code
Schema1= "customerId STRING,orderId STRING,products ARRAY<STRUCT<productId: STRING,quantity: STRING,soldPrice: STRING>>,salesRepId STRING,shippingAddress STRUCT<address: STRING,attention: String,city: STRING,state: STRING,zip: STRING>,submittedAt TIMESTAMP";
streamingDF = (spark.readStream.schema(Schema1)\
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1).json(stream_path))
After few transformations in streamingDF Streaming Dataset and trying to write to a Delta Table using below code
.option("checkpointLocation", orders_checkpoint_path)\
But those records are not inserted into our delta table and also when I checked the dashboard it shows that numInputRows is 0
Screenshot of streaming while writestream being executed
Why those records are not append into delta table?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5796
Reputation: 210
instead of using .table() use .start() then path the table path instead of the table name:
.option("checkpointLocation", orders_checkpoint_path)
Upvotes: 2