Reputation: 715
After upgrading to OpenLayers 6.6.1 I am receiving hundreds of typescript errors caused by generics.
For instance...
import olLayerVector from 'ol/layer/Vector';
import olFeature from 'ol/Feature';
public static highlightOverlay: olLayerVector = new olLayerVector({});
const selectedFeatures: Array<olFeature> =
produces the errors
Generic type 'VectorLayer' requires 1 type argument(s)
Generic type 'Feature' requires 1 type argument(s).
Some threads I have read such as...
seem to indicate that using // @ts-ignore is a fix but this NOT a good solution to having your project riddled with typescript errors on generics.
Please tell me there is a better solution...any help is greatly appreciated
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4801
Reputation: 31
I recently upgraded a large angular project to OpenLayers 6.6.1 and switched to using the OpenLayers generated typescript declaration files instead of using the @types/ol declaration files.
Both Feature and VectorLayer use generics, the former for the Geometry type, the later for the source type. One can avoid the 'Generic type 'Foo' requires 1 type argument(s)' errors by including the generics in your code as in the following example:
import { Feature } from 'ol';
import { Geometry } from 'ol/geom';
import { Vector } from 'ol/layer';
import { Vector as VectorSource } from 'ol/source';
// Typescript complains:
let f1: Feature = new Feature();
let vl1: Vector = new Vector({});
// Typescript is fine
let f2: Feature<Geometry> = new Feature<Geometry>();
let vl2: Vector<VectorSource<Geometry>> = new Vector<VectorSource<Geometry>>({});
VectorSource also uses a generic for its geometry type which is why the code needs Vector<VectorSource<Geometry>>
I did not need any type saftey on the Geometry type so I just used the super class Geometry. However, one could replace Geometry with something like Point if the Feature and source only contained Point geometry features.
The @types/ol declarations had defaults for the generics so one could avoid this syntax when using the older @types/ol declarations.
Upvotes: 3