Jhonathan Pizarra
Jhonathan Pizarra

Reputation: 19

How Upload images with cloudinary + Laravel?

Well, what happens is that I want to upload an image to Cloudinary through Laravel, I Follow the steps as it says on the documentation:

https://github.com/cloudinary-labs/cloudinary-laravel and here : https://cloudinary.com/blog/laravel_file_upload_to_a_local_server_or_to_the_cloud

I am using Laravel 8, here is my code:

 public function store(Request $request){

        'name' => 'required|string|unique:festivals|max:255', //unique:table
        'description' => 'required|string|max:255',
        'image' => 'required|image|dimensions:min_width=200,min_height=200',
    ], self::$messages);

    //Here I create an instance and upload file to server 
    $festival = new Festival($request->all());
    $path = cloudinary()->upload($request->file('image')->getRealPath())->getSecurePath();

    //Then at field image of festivals que save the path and that goes to the database
    $festival->image = 'festivals/' . basename($path);

    return response() -> json($festival, 201); //code 201 created


When I try to create a new record through Postman, this happens:

Error after register new festival

However, the image was uploaded to Cloudinary:

image uploaded

Then I tried to check if the record was created, but it was not created.

What can I do, does anyone know?


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Views: 1072

Answers (2)

Richard RJUK
Richard RJUK

Reputation: 531

this is how i did it in laravel 10

I created a reusable client CloudinaryImageClient.php


namespace App\Integrations\files;

use Cloudinary\Api\Upload\UploadApi;
use Cloudinary\Configuration\Configuration;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class CloudinaryImageClient
    protected $cloudinaryInstance;
    public function __construct()
        $this->cloudinaryInstance = Configuration::instance([
            'cloud' => [
                'cloud_name' => Config::get('cloudinary.cloud_name'),
                'api_key' => Config::get('cloudinary.api_key'),
                'api_secret' => Config::get('cloudinary.api_secret')
            'url' => [
                'secure' => true

    public function uploadImage(string $mimeType, string $base64FileContents): CloudinaryResults

        $formattedUploadUri = self::createUri($mimeType, $base64FileContents);

        try {
            $uploadClient = new UploadApi();
            $results = $uploadClient->upload($formattedUploadUri, ['resource_type' => 'image']);

            Log::info("cloudinary upload results: " . json_encode($results));
            return CloudinaryResults::success($results['secure_url'], $results['url']);

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            Log::error("Failed to upload file to cloudflare $e");
            return CloudinaryResults::failed($e->getMessage());

     * Utility function
     * @param string $mimeType -- example image/jpeg
     * @param string $base64FileContents
     * @return string uploadUri in format 'data:image/jpeg;base64, LzlqLzRBQ...  {Base64 image data}'
    private static function createUri(string $mimeType, string $base64FileContents): string
        return 'data:' . $mimeType . ';base64,' . $base64FileContents;


Here is how i used the custom reusable client on a controller

class CustomerBooksController extends Controller

    public function __construct()


    public function uploadImage(Request $request): JsonResponse
            'image_file' => 'required|file',

        $cloudinaryClient = new CloudinaryImageClient();
        $mimeType = $request->file('image_file')->getClientMimeType();
        $base64Contents = base64_encode($request->file('image_file')->getContent());

        $results = $cloudinaryClient->uploadImage($mimeType,$base64Contents);

        return response()->json($results);




namespace App\Integrations\files;

class CloudinaryResults
    public bool $isSuccess;
    public string $insecureUrl;
    public string $secureUrl;
    public string $msg;

    public static function success(string $secureUrl, string $insecureUrl): CloudinaryResults
        $results = new CloudinaryResults();
        $results->isSuccess = true;
        $results->secureUrl = $secureUrl;
        $results->insecureUrl = $insecureUrl;
        return $results;

    public static function failed(string $msg): CloudinaryResults
        $results = new CloudinaryResults();
        $results->isSuccess = false;
        $results->msg = $msg;
        return $results;
  • Cloudinary version - "cloudinary/cloudinary_php": "^2.10"
  • Laravel Framework 10.9.0

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Jhonathan Pizarra
Jhonathan Pizarra

Reputation: 19

Ok, I Solved :)

    //Here I create an instance and upload file to server
    $festival = new Festival($request->all());
    $result = $request->image->storeOnCloudinary();
    //Here I get the url
    $path = $result->getPath();

    //Then at field image of festivals que save the path and that goes to the database

    //$festival->image = $path; output: "https://res.cloudinary.com/test/image/upload/v1226931211/zuiyb17vfs8dre6gvuov.jpg"
    //$festival->image = dirname($path); output: "https://res.cloudinary.com/test/image/upload/v1526711711"
    //$festival->image = basename($path); output: "zuiy31lvfs4dre5gvuov.jpg"
    $base =  basename(dirname($path).basename($path)); //output: "v1636941221zuiyb14vfsmdre6gvuov.jpg"
    $folder =  substr($base, 0, -24); //output: "v1626915261"
    $img_path = $folder.'/'.basename($path);

    $festival->image = 'festivals/'.$img_path;  //imageFolder/imageName.jpg;

But if someone has a best way, please tell me

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