Reputation: 1449
How do you write the following sql in EF Core
select r."Date", sum(r."DurationActual")
from public."Reports" r
group by r."Date"
We've got the following Model (mwe)
public class Report
public LocalDate Date { get; set; }
public Duration DurationActual { get; set; }
I tried the following:
await dbContext.Reports
.GroupBy(r => r.Date)
.Select(g => new
SummedDurationActual = g.Sum(r => r.DurationActual),
but this does not compile since Sum
only works for int
, etc.
I also tried to sum the total hours
await dbContext.Reports
.GroupBy(r => r.Date)
.Select(g => new
SummedDurationActual = g.Sum(r => r.DurationActual.TotalHours),
which compiles but cannot be translated by EF with the following error
System.InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression 'GroupByShaperExpression:
KeySelector: r.Date,
EntityType: Report
ProjectionBindingExpression: EmptyProjectionMember
IsNullable: False
.Sum(r => r.DurationActual.TotalHours)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', ....
Of course I can enumerate it earlier but this is not efficient.
To clarify it a bit furhter: We use Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
together with Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.NodaTime
to establish the connection. Duration
is a DataType from NodaTime
to represent something similar like TimeSpan
gets mapped to a interval
on the Database side.
We heavily use unit-tests which use an InMemoryDatabase (UseInMemoryDatabase
) So the solution should work with both, PsQl and InMemory.
You Add the UseNodaTime()
method call to the configuration, example:
options => options
o => o
this adds a type-mapping for the NodaTime types
.AddMapping(new NpgsqlTypeMappingBuilder
PgTypeName = "interval",
NpgsqlDbType = NpgsqlDbType.Interval,
ClrTypes = new[] { typeof(Period), typeof(Duration), typeof(TimeSpan), typeof(NpgsqlTimeSpan) },
TypeHandlerFactory = new IntervalHandlerFactory()
I don't know every detail but I think this adds a ValueConverter. Further information:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 713
Reputation: 1449
The answer from @mohamed-amazirh helped me to steer in the right direction.
It is not possible to change to Period (Since it simply isn't a period, it's a duration).
I ended up writing a IDbContextOptionsExtension
to fulfill my needs.
Full code here:
public class NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationOptionsExtension : IDbContextOptionsExtension
private class ExtInfo : DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo
public ExtInfo(IDbContextOptionsExtension extension) : base(extension) { }
public override long GetServiceProviderHashCode()
return 0;
public override void PopulateDebugInfo(IDictionary<string, string> debugInfo)
public override bool IsDatabaseProvider => false;
public override string LogFragment => "using NodaTimeDurationExt ";
public NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationOptionsExtension()
Info = new ExtInfo(this);
public void ApplyServices(IServiceCollection services)
new EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder(services)
.TryAddProviderSpecificServices(x => x.TryAddSingletonEnumerable<IMemberTranslatorPlugin, NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslatorPlugin>());
public void Validate(IDbContextOptions options) { }
public DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Info { get; set; }
public class NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslatorPlugin: IMemberTranslatorPlugin
public NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslatorPlugin(ISqlExpressionFactory sqlExpressionFactory)
Translators = new IMemberTranslator[]
new NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslator(sqlExpressionFactory),
public IEnumerable<IMemberTranslator> Translators { get; set; }
public class NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslator : IMemberTranslator
private readonly ISqlExpressionFactory sqlExpressionFactory;
public NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationMemberTranslator(ISqlExpressionFactory sqlExpressionFactory)
this.sqlExpressionFactory = sqlExpressionFactory;
public SqlExpression Translate(SqlExpression instance, MemberInfo member, Type returnType, IDiagnosticsLogger<DbLoggerCategory.Query> logger)
var declaringType = member.DeclaringType;
if (instance is not null
&& declaringType == typeof(Duration))
return TranslateDuration(instance, member, returnType);
return null;
private SqlExpression? TranslateDuration(SqlExpression instance, MemberInfo member, Type returnType)
return member.Name switch
nameof(Duration.TotalHours) => sqlExpressionFactory
true, new[] { true, true },
_ => null,
To use it, I had to add it the same way NodaTime did it:
services.AddDbContext<Cockpit2DbContext>(options =>
o =>
var coreOptionsBuilder = ((IRelationalDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure) o).OptionsBuilder;
var ext = coreOptionsBuilder.Options.FindExtension<NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationOptionsExtension>() ?? new NpgsqlNodaTimeDurationOptionsExtension();
((IDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure) coreOptionsBuilder).AddOrUpdateExtension(ext);
.ConfigureWarnings(w => w.Ignore(RelationalEventId.MultipleCollectionIncludeWarning));
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1217
Looking at Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
's source code here, you can see that it can't translate Duration
's members.
The method Translate
will return null
if the member used belongs to an object whose type is not LocalDateTime
, LocalDate
, LocalTime
or Period
. In your case the member used is TotalHours
and it belongs to an object whose type is Duration
So your second example can be made to work if you change DurationActual
's type from Duration
to Period
will also work).
Still, Period
's member TotalHours
also can't be translated (see the code here for the full list of the members that can be translated).
So you have to compute the value yourself with something like this :
await dbContext.Reports
.GroupBy(r => r.Date)
.Select(g => new
SummedDurationActual = g.Sum(r => r.DurationActual.Hours + ((double)r.DurationActual.Minutes / 60) + ((double)r.DurationActual.Seconds / 3600)),
If changing DurationActual
's type is not an option, you can open an issue with Npgsql developers to add the necessary translations. They suggest doing so in their documentation:
Note that the plugin is far from covering all translations. If a translation you need is missing, please open an issue to request for it.
Upvotes: 2