
Reputation: 21785

How can I decode a google OAuth 2.0 JWT / credential token?

I'm building a browser app that requires to authenticate with Google using the OAuth 2.0 / JWT workflow outlined in the link.

In the scenario of success user authentication with Google OAuth 2.0, Google API sends to an app OAuth the response like this:

  "clientId": "",
  "credential": "yyy...123...zzz",
  "select_by": "user"

I have a client_id and using the NodeJS + JS.

How can I provide the app with the real user data once the user is authenticated?

Upvotes: 10

Views: 17101

Answers (3)


Reputation: 662

I was stuck here too, but I found a solution here.

Google's example:

See Google

<div id="g_id_onload"
  function handleCredentialResponse(response) {
     // decodeJwtResponse() is a custom function defined by you
     // to decode the credential response.
     const responsePayload = decodeJwtResponse(response.credential);

     console.log("ID: " + responsePayload.sub);
     console.log('Full Name: ' +;
     console.log('Given Name: ' + responsePayload.given_name);
     console.log('Family Name: ' + responsePayload.family_name);
     console.log("Image URL: " + responsePayload.picture);
     console.log("Email: " +;

Here's the function that worked for me:

I have only adapted the function name, which was provided by @Peheje in the other thread, so that this works with the code example from Google

function decodeJwtResponse(token) {
  var base64Url = token.split('.')[1];
  var base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
  var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(window.atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) {
    return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

  return JSON.parse(jsonPayload);

Upvotes: 3

Ali Zulfikar
Ali Zulfikar

Reputation: 61

You can use jwt-decode library to decode your credential OAuth Login, here is the step by step how to use it

  1. Install jwt-decode

You can use npm install jwt-decode or yarn add jwt-decode or pnpm install jwt-decode

  1. Import jwt-decode to your App

import { GoogleLogin } from '@react-oauth/google';
import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode'


 onSuccess = {credentialResponse => {
   if (credentialResponse.credential != null) {
    const USER_CREDENTIAL = jwtDecode(credentialResponse.credential);

I use GoogleLoginOAuth from @react-oauth/google, at my case this code it's work!

One more thing, ** just intermezzo ** if you use TypeScript, then you want destructure object to get name or family_name for instance

const { given_name, family_name } = USER_CREDENTIAL;

and then you get this error squiggles like this

Property 'family_name' does not exist on type 'unknown'

You can make type like this, copy it if you need it anyway


export type dataCredential = {
    aud: string,
    azp: string,
    email: string,
    email_verified: boolean,
    exp: number,
    family_name: string,
    given_name: string,
    iss: string,
    jti: string,
    name: string,
    nbf: number,
    picture: string,
    sub: string

and than you can make your code like this

import { GoogleLogin } from '@react-oauth/google';
import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode'
import {dataCredential} from "../types/dataCredential";


 onSuccess = {credentialResponse => {
   if (credentialResponse.credential != null) {
    const USER_CREDENTIAL: dataCredential = jwtDecode(credentialResponse.credential);
    const { given_name, family_name } = USER_CREDENTIAL;
    console.log(given_name, family_name)

Hope it helps!

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 21785

After some forth and back attempts it got clear that standard import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken' does not work and Google uses its own encoding npm library - google-auth-library, see more here. The basic solution is the following:

const { OAuth2Client } = require('google-auth-library')

 * @description Function to decode Google OAuth token
 * @param token: string
 * @returns ticket object
export const getDecodedOAuthJwtGoogle = async token => {

  const CLIENT_ID_GOOGLE = 'yourGoogleClientId'

  try {
    const client = new OAuth2Client(CLIENT_ID_GOOGLE)

    const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
      idToken: token,
      audience: CLIENT_ID_GOOGLE,

    return ticket
  } catch (error) {
    return { status: 500, data: error }


const realUserData = getDecodedOAuthJwtGoogle(credential) // credentials === JWT token

If your token (credential) is valid then realUserData will hopefully have a value like this:

  // These six fields are included in all Google ID Tokens.
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "110169484474386276334",
  "azp": "",
  "aud": "",
  "iat": "1433978353",
  "exp": "1433981953",

  // These seven fields are only included when the user has granted the "profile" and
  // "email" OAuth scopes to the application.
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "email_verified": "true",
  "name" : "Test User",
  "picture": "",
  "given_name": "Test",
  "family_name": "User",
  "locale": "en"

Upvotes: 9

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