Reputation: 190
Suppose I have a binary tree structure defined as
data IntTree = Empty | Node Int IntTree IntTree
and the tree
Node 0 (Node 1 Empty Empty)(Node 2 (Node 3 Empty Empty)(Node 4 Empty Empty))
How can I extract the leftmost deepest node (ie Node 3 Empty Empty
Upvotes: 2
Views: 164
Reputation: 71065
[Node 0 (Node 1 Empty Empty)(Node 2 (Node 3 Empty Empty)(Node 4 Empty Empty))]
[ Node 1 Empty Empty, Node 2 (Node 3 Empty Empty)(Node 4 Empty Empty) ]
[ Empty,Empty, Node 3 Empty Empty, Node 4 Empty Empty ]
[ Empty,Empty, Empty,Empty ]
[ ]
deepest :: IntTree -> [Int]
deepest = pure >>> iterate (>>= g) >>> takeWhile (not . null)
>>> reverse >>> drop 1 >>> take 1
>>> (>>= \ xs -> [i | Node i _ _ <- xs])
g (Node _ lt rt) = [lt, rt]
g Empty = []
and then we get
> deepest $ Node 0 (Node 1 Empty Empty)
(Node 2 (Node 3 Empty Empty) (Node 4 Empty Empty))
so all that's left is to take 1
from that, if you want to.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 476699
You should make use of recursion and define a helper function that returns the depth of the node, then for each innode, you select the deepest child. Such function thus looks like:
leftmostDeep : IntTree -> IntTree
leftmostDeep = fst . go
where go n@(Node _ Empty Empty) = (n, 0)
go n@(Node _ Empty r) = let (nr, dr) = go r in (nr, dr+1)
go n@(Node _ l Empty) = let (nl, dl) = go l in (nl, dl+1)
go (Node l r) = …
where (na, da) = go l
where (nb, db) = go r
where …
is left as an exercise. This should determine which item is the deepest, and as tiebreaker, return the left subtree. You should also increment the depth of that node with one.
Upvotes: 5