Reputation: 439
I am trying to create a Xcode workspace which has multiple projects in it. I want to add different dependencies for each project. Let's say I have MyApp (Master project), WebService (framework) and UIComponent (framework) projects. I wan't to add Alamofire only to WebService project or I wan't to add Lottie for only to UIComponent project.
|- MyApp
|- WebService
|-> Alamofire
|- UIComponent
|-> Lottie
The problem is, when I add WebService and UIComponent dependency to my MyApp project (via Linking Binaries from Xcode), it can access dependencies of my sub-projects. In other words MyApp project can access and import Alamofire and Lottie. Is there a way to prevent MyApp project can not import sub-projects dependencies?
I tried to achieve this using both Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods but no luck.
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Views: 576
Reputation: 2216
You actually don't need a workspace to do this. You could just use an Xcode Project. I am currently doing this for a project I'm working on.
- Core // Swift Package
- DataAccess // Swift Package
- Http // Swift Package
- ApplicationServices // Swift Package
- Presenters // Swift Package
- App/
- AppTests/
- App.xcodeproj
Core is used in every package, Http in DataAccess, DataAccess in ApplicationServices, ApplicationServices in Presenters, and Presenters in the app.
To create a setup like this, open your workspace or Xcode project click file and create a new swift package. Save that package in your application's directory and link it to the project or workspace you want to work in.
If you do this a few times you can start referencing the other local swift packages like this:
let package = Package(
name: "ApplicationServices",
products: [.library(
name: "ApplicationServices",
targets: ["ApplicationServices"]),
dependencies: [
// NOTE that we can use a relative path to link
// to include the other local packages.
.package(name: "DataAccess", path: "../DataAccess"),
.package(name: "Core", path: "../Core"),
// Or the traditional way of pulling down a remote package
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "9.0.0"))
targets: [
name: "ApplicationServices",
// This is where you tell the swift package to use a dependency
dependencies: ["DataAccess", "Core"]), the
name: "ApplicationServicesTests",
dependencies: ["ApplicationServices", "DataAccess", "Core", "TestingPackage"]),
Then with a local package, we include it a little differently than a remote swift package. Click on the Project in the file navigation, select the app target, then under General in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content click the +
button. You should be able to select the local packages you care about.
If you need anything described more clearly let me know.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 75
CocoaPods is fine, distinguish different target
#targetA: [AFNetworking,Masonry]
abstract_target 'abstract_pod' do
pod 'AFNetworking'
target 'targetA' do
pod 'Masonry'
target 'targetB' do
pod 'SDWebImage' :path =>'./SDWebImage'
Upvotes: 0