Reputation: 49
I download and unzip file from . Then, I unzipped and I found site-packages folder in there.I added manually pandas package from pypi. Lastly, I tried this command: python.exe install . But it doesnt work. How can I install manually a package embedded python ? I want to import that for my script.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1870
Reputation: 1
On Windows you can use a simple cmd file that install the embeddable and add the pip to the installation. Then you have the portable embedded with pip to install whatever new package. This example will use the windows tools like curl and tar and cache the embeddable zip and to accelerate future installations. Just providing a command line with a specific version and installation path like:
Install_python_embeddable.cmd 3 11 8 python_env
The script can be this:
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
pushd "%~dp0"
rem arguments
set major_v=%~1
set minor_v=%~2
set micro_v=%~3
set python_folder=%~4
set force_clean=%~5
rem default values
if [!major_v!]==[] set major_v=3
if [!minor_v!]==[] set minor_v=11
if [!micro_v!]==[] set micro_v=8
if [!python_folder!]==[] set python_folder=python_env
if NOT [!force_clean!]==[1] set force_clean=0
rem Composed variables
set python_version=!major_v!.!minor_v!.!micro_v!
set python_id=!major_v!!minor_v!
set python_artifact_file=python-!python_version!
set python_artifact_path=%~dp0\!python_artifact_file!
set cache_folder=%LOCALAPPDATA%\environmentInstall_packages\PYTHON_EMBEDDABLE
rem Check force clean
if [!force_clean!]==[1] (
echo ++ Remove old embeddable installation [!python_folder!]
rd /q /s !python_folder! > nul 2>&1
if exist !python_folder!\Scripts\pip.exe (
if exist !python_folder!\python!python_id!.pth (
if exist !python_folder!\Python_!python_version!.txt goto already_exist_python
rem Install an embedded python
echo.&echo ++ Install the Python_!python_version! on !python_folder! with pip
echo - Based on: ""
echo.&echo 1- Remove old installation
rd /q /s !python_folder! > nul 2>&1
echo.&echo 2- Check local the embedded version in local cache: !cache_folder!\!python_artifact_file!
md !cache_folder! 2>nul
if NOT EXIST !cache_folder!\!python_artifact_file! ((echo - - - - Not found in local cache) & goto download_python)
echo + + + + Install from local cache
copy /Y !cache_folder!\!python_artifact_file! !python_artifact_path!
goto install_python
echo.&echo 3- Download the embedded version and save in local cache
curl!python_version!/!python_artifact_file! -o !python_artifact_path!
copy /Y !python_artifact_path! !cache_folder!\!python_artifact_file!
echo.&echo 4- Install the embedded version and expand it
md !python_folder! 2>nul
pushd !python_folder!
tar -xf !python_artifact_path!
del !python_artifact_path! > nul 2>&1
echo.&echo 5- Rename !python_folder!\python!python_id!._pth as !python_folder!\python!python_id!.pth and made !python_folder!\DLLs
move /Y !python_folder!\python!python_id!._pth !python_folder!\python!python_id!.pth
md !python_folder!\DLLs 2>nul
echo.&echo 6- Check local the in local cache: !cache_folder!\
if NOT EXIST !cache_folder!\ ((echo - - - - Not found in local cache) & goto download_get_pip)
echo + + + + Install from local cache
copy /Y !cache_folder!\
goto install_get_pip
echo.&echo 7- Download the pip installer and save in local cache
curl -o
copy /Y !cache_folder!\
echo.&echo 8- Execute the get-pip installer
!python_folder!\python.exe --no-warn-script-location
del > nul 2>&1
echo.&echo 9- Update PIP
!python_folder!\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
echo.&echo 10- Save version sentinel to let check 3 version numbers
!python_folder!\python.exe --version > python_ver.txt
set /P installed_python_version_raw=<python_ver.txt
del python_ver.txt > nul 2>&1
set "installed_python_version=!installed_python_version_raw: =_!"
echo !installed_python_version!
echo !installed_python_version! > !python_folder!\!installed_python_version!.txt
echo.&echo --------------- Embedded python installed ---------------&echo.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
You can download manually a tar.gz file when you don't want to use pip from Then you just need it to extract it in Windows PowerShell: tar -xvzf C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\FILENAME.tar.gz -C C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\FILENAMEDIR
as 1st path is from and 2nd one path to.
Then you just navigate to the dir cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\FILENAMEDIR\FILENAME
and run py install
Upvotes: 1