Reputation: 3
I'm trying to concatenate my uri in this invoke so that I can have each variable on a separate line. That way I can make changes easier and don't have to search as hard. I was able to do this in a bash script, but am at a loss for how to do this in Powershell.
Line as follows:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (beginning of url)?date=$date"&"time=$time"&"name=$env:computername"&"loginid=$env:username"&"sn=$serialnumber"&"ipaddr=$ipaddr"&"verb=profileclear
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Views: 1244
Reputation: 25001
I would create an array of variable strings, join them, and build a uri:
$variables = "date=$date",
$uri = [System.UriBuilder]::new('')
$uri.Query = $variables -join '&'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri.ToString()
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 486
I think the easiest way of achieving this would be like this:
$uri = "Https://something.somewhere/?" +
"date=$date&" +
"time=$time&" +
"name=$env:computername&" +
"loginid=$env:username&" +
"sn=$serialnumber&" +
"ipaddr=$ipaddr&" +
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 174485
One option is to store the query parameters in an ordered dictionary and construct the URL from that:
$parameters = [ordered]@{
date = $date
time = $time
name = $env:computername
loginid = $env:username
sn = $serialnumber
ipaddr = $ipaddr
verb = 'profileclear'
$baseURI = 'https://host.fqdn/path'
# Construct full URI string from base URI + parameters
$queryString = @($parameters.GetEnumerator() |ForEach-Object {
'{0}={1}' -f $_.Key,$_.Value
}) -join '&'
$URI = '{0}?{1}' -f $baseURI,$queryString
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI
Upvotes: 0