Reputation: 569
I have a window that has multiple inputs and combo selectbox like this
main_layout = [[sg.Text('First Name', size=(15, 1)),
sg.InputText(key='gname', size=(25, 1))],
[sg.Text('V Type', size=(15, 1)),
sg.Combo(['option 1','option 2','option 3'],key="vtype",size=(25, 1)],
[sg.Text('Last Name', size=(15, 1)),
sg.InputText(key='glastname', size=(25, 1)],
layout = [[sg.Column(main_layout,scrollable=True,vertical_scroll_only=True, size=(755,500))]]
window = sg.Window('Form', layout, font='arial',resizable=True, element_justification='l',size=(755,500))
event, values =
if event == 'Cancel' or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
name_check = window['gname'].get().strip()
if name_check == '':
sg.popup(f"Field is Required")
I'm already using name_check = window['gname'].get().strip()
for the name event that checks it isn't blank what I want to do is on clicking submit check all inputs to have a value and not to be blank because the code above is a form and the form is long I only wrote few of them for example
The form data will be written into a text file with a regular expression and if the value would be blank the app crashes, so I want something that I can check multiple event keys at once How can I do that?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1901
Reputation: 13051
Using window.key_dict
to get a dictionary with all key:element pairs for all elements, then iterate each item to confirm if it is sg.Input
element, and all inputs are not null string.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
sg.set_options(font=("Courier New", 12))
layout = [
[sg.Text(f"Line {i: >2d}:"), sg.Input("")] for i in range(10)] + [
[sg.StatusBar("", size=(20, 1), key='Status')]
window = sg.Window('Title', layout, finalize=True)
prompt = window['Status'].update
input_key_list = [key for key, value in window.key_dict.items()
if isinstance(value, sg.Input)]
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
elif event == "Submit":
if all(map(str.strip, [values[key] for key in input_key_list])):
prompt("All inputs are OK !")
prompt("Some inputs missed !")
Upvotes: 2