Reputation: 1788
I've the following query:
select u from User u where upper( like upper(?1)
How this would be, but ignoring the accents in
and ?1
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Views: 4972
Reputation: 987
With CriteriaBuilder you can use the following Specification
public static Specification<User> byNameIgnoringCaseAndAccents(String paramName) {
return (root, cq, cb) -> {
String paramNameNormalized = paramName != null ? normalize(paramName.toLowerCase()) : null;
String characters = "áãàâäçéèëêùûüúóôöïîíÁÀÂÄÃÇÉÈËÊÙÛÜÚÓÔÖÏÎÍ";
String replacements = "aaaaaceeeeuuuuoooiiiAAAAÃCEEEEUUUUOOOIII";
Expression<String> replacedName = root.get("name");
for (int i = 0; i < characters.length(); i++) {
replacedName = cb.function("REPLACE", String.class, replacedName, cb.literal(characters.charAt(i)), cb.literal(replacements.charAt(i)));
replacedName = cb.lower(replacedName);
return, cb.concat("%", cb.concat(replacedName, "%")));
public static String normalize(String s) {
return s != null ? Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "") : s;
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Reputation: 64
In portuguese, i missed the accents in some characters, so i added more characters in the replacer method:
public String replacer(String param) {
String t1 = "áãàâäçéèëêùûüúóôöïîíÁÀÂÄÃÇÉÈËÊÙÛÜÚÓÔÖÏÎÍ";
String t2 = "aaaaaceeeeuuuuoooiiiAAAAÃCEEEEUUUUOOOIII";
String s = param;
for (int i = 0; i < t1.length(); i++) {
s = "replace(" + s + ",'" + t1.charAt(i) + "','" + t2.charAt(i) + "')";
return s;
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Reputation: 21
I have found a way to implement this. Basically there are 2 steps:
public User getByName(String paramName) {
Original HQL Query :
String queryString = "select u from User u where : =paramName";
New Query:
paramName = normalizer(paramName );
String queryString = "select u from User u where " + replacer( +" : =paramName";
And the 2 methods:
public static String normalizer(String s) {
return Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
public String replacer(String param) {
String t1 = "àâäçéèëêùûüôöïî";
String t2 = "aaaceeeeuuuooii";
String s = param;
for (int i = 0; i < t1.length(); i++) {
s = "replace(" + s + ",'" + t1.charAt(i) + "','" + t2.charAt(i) + "')";
return s;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16152
What database are you using? In most of them you can send a specific SQL command to set the collation.
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