Reputation: 371
I am trying to change the color of a row in a mudblazor table. The problem is, I can't add a functionality to change the color by the condition of the element of the row.
<MudTable Items="@context.orderPositions" Context="AddressContext" Hover="true" Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Sm" Elevation="0" Style="background-color: @(AddressContext.OrderPositionStatus == PositionStatus.rdy ? yellowgreen : blue;">
Upvotes: 14
Views: 17742
Reputation: 371
I have a solution but it feels kinda dirty...
<MudTd DataLabel="Menge" Style="@(AddressContext.OrderPositionStatus == PositionStatus.rdy ? $"background:{Colors.BlueGrey.Darken4};" : $"background:{Colors.Cyan.Darken1};")">@AddressContext.orderItem.ItemQuantity</MudTd>
<MudTd DataLabel="Itemcode" Style="@(AddressContext.OrderPositionStatus == PositionStatus.rdy ? $"background:{Colors.BlueGrey.Darken4};" : $"background:{Colors.Cyan.Darken1};")">@AddressContext.orderItem.ItemCode</MudTd>
<MudTd DataLabel="Itemname" Style="@(AddressContext.OrderPositionStatus == PositionStatus.rdy ? $"background:{Colors.BlueGrey.Darken4};" : $"background:{Colors.Cyan.Darken1};")">@AddressContext.orderItem.ItemName</MudTd>
As shown, it is possible to change the color within the row template. So the context is available. Its annoying work for each row/colum- combination but in the end it works.
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Reputation: 2059
I wanted to be able to hide row items marked for deletion by default and then show them in red when when a toggle switch was enabled. So on my component I appended a switch:
<MudSwitch @bind-Checked="@blnShowDeleted" Color="Color.Warning">Show deleted</MudSwitch>
@Nadav Hury's answer told me about RowStyleFunc which led me to the MudBlazor documentation and RowClassFunc which I thought might be a better bet. So I changed the code for the table declaration:
<MudTable Items="objVmCustomers" RowClassFunc="ShowDeleted">
I created a ShowDeleted method in the code-behind razor.cs class:
public string ShowDeleted(VmCustomer objVmCustomer, int index)
if(objVmCustomer.dtDeleted != null)
if (blnShowDeleted == true)
return "show-deleted";
return "hide-deleted";
return "";
Then I created two CSS classes to suit the code above:
.show-deleted td { --mud-palette-text-primary: red; }
.hide-deleted { display: none; visibility: collapse; }
There is a gotcha here: you can't just go color:red; in the show-deleted declaration because the CSS variable --mud-palette-text-primary will override it. You have to override the CSS variable (I discovered this by inspecting the element).
By using a CSS class that operates on all the TD elements within a row, this gets over the 'dirtiness' that @T0bi complains of when using multiple style attributes.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 689
You can:
<MudTable Items="@Items" Hover="true" RowStyleFunc="RowStyleFunc">
And then
private string RowStyleFunc(Item arg1, int index)
switch (arg1.Title)
case string a when a.Contains("1/4"):
return "background-color:blue";
case string b when b.Contains("2/4"):
return "background-color:red";
default: return "background-color:white";
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 39
It's not a complete answer, but in your code, style in <MudTable>
will change all background color. You need to determine RenderFragment's color like, <MudTd Style="background-color:yellow;</MudTd>"
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